erk, yeah I know... my blog is full of dusts!!! hahahaha...
since I worked in that company, I have no time to update my blog.... sigh... T_T
but as today is a special day to me, I will spend few minutes to update my blog...
ok, back to my topic, Glenedos Life Progress! Wut is GLENEDO? hahahaha... back in UTP, my lovely osmets Cucop, Farah, Uny, Nurul and Azella came out wif the word and we named our group as GLENEDO!
let see the picture we took during our glory gud old days in UTP:
nape gbr makan? sbb kami mmg kuat makan!!! suka makanan!!! gbr ni aku yg edit... (actually aku sgt xthn tgk cik Uny dgn muka sangap spegeti tu!!!)
purpose aku post arini adelah nk update life progress dorang semua ni.... siyesly, i miss them all a lot!!!
lets begin wif me:
Name : Zulia
Work : Enjinaye kat kilang bt komponen automotive...
Marital Status : Single
Summary : no progress!!! hahahahahahaa...
Name : Uny
Work : Enjinaye kat kilang baja urea!!hahahaha...
Marital Status : Single but not available (not available ke??)
Summary : Xde progress jugak!!!
Name : Cucop
Work : Enjinaye kat kilang buat keta
Marital Status : Bini orang!!!
Summary : entered another phase of life... ade progress!!!
Name : Paghah
Work : Enjinaye kilang sabun
Marital Status : Single and single and single!!!
Progress : langsung xde progress!!!
Work : Lom keje tp she just finished her MASTER in Science!! dh ade master u olllss!!! korang ade???
Marital Status : Single and available (kot)
Progress : xde progress kot...
Name : Nurulle
Work : Enjinaye kat kampeni minyak
Marital Status : Mak orang!!! she just gave birth to a lovely baby girl!!!
Progress : Sgt berprogress!!!!
Ok, dh update status semua... to be honest, I miss the life that I spent wif them... they were my life... and until now, I love them as much as I love them before... they are part of my life until the hereafter...