Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Aku Masih Dara

Last nite, i did went 4 a movie 2 watch " Aku Masih Dara" wif my colleague, Ina... As u guys know, I dun really get into Malay movies... but i did admit, some malay movies are gud... like most of Yasmin Ahmad's movies... I really like her movies...

but unfortunately, not 4 'aku masih dara'... im not an expert to give comments regarding dis movie, but im giving my personal comments...

ok, ade bbrp scene yg aku rs x patut ada pun actually.. or yg mungkin bakal mengundang kontroversi... or scene yg aku rs kurang sesuai.... antaranya :
  1. scene Aleesya(yana) call Sofea (raja farah)... time tu Aleesya br pas mandi n sdg berkemban (x tau nape perlu berkemban utk jwb call)... mmg la bahagian bahu tu ditutup... tp ia ttp berkemban kn? aku rs, lg manis kalau Aleesya berpakaian penuh n melilit kepala dia dgn towel... tupun dh ckup utk tunjuk dia br pas mandi...
  2. scene Aleesya bgtau yg dia 'period'... aku x tau nape perlu ditunjukkan tisu/pad yg dipenuhi darah? ckup kot klu dia just jerit bgtau dia period... smp ade bbrp lelaki yg duduk x jauh dr aku dlm panggung tu geli geleman.... 
  3. scene Sofea tito di atas sofa kat umah Firdaus... aku x pham nape sorg pompuan leh tito ats sofa mcm tu kat umah org... mcm dh x de blik dia nk tito... xknla mak firdaus begitu sporting?? x kesah anak dara tito mcm tu kat umah dia...
  4. scena Firdaus yg tergoda bila tgk betis Sofea yg terselak... sdgkan b4 dat, dia ade g disko (ikut dorg g disko)... lg teruk kot pakaian2 org2 kat disko tu... tp x tergoda lak dia??? sdgkan dia just nampak betis sofea je pun...
Apa2pun... aku suka ending citer nih... klu korg nk tau nape... korg g la tgk... hehehe.... 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Aiman & Amalina Keychains...

Dh lebey kol 12 mlm dh... Dh ngantuk actually...Tp ttp nk buat post ni... demi cintaku kpd benang2, post ni aku nk tulis gak... hehehe... walaupun esok aku keje!!! lgpun kegembiraan dpt payung ESPRIT masih ada... membuatkan aku bersemangat nk tulis blog... hehehe... tima kaceh kpd org yg bg payung ESPRIT kale ijau tu... pasni, sy x kna ujan dh... hahaha...

Now, we back to my craft story... mende ni asalnya dipanggil friendship bracelet... tp sbb skrg ni, org dh x pkai bracelet2 camtu... aku modified utk uat keychain... keychain lebey flexible... leh letak kat beg, enpon, kunci umah, kunci keta...

Actually, mula2 tu aku uat utk diri sendiri je... tp ade colleague aku tgk n berkenan... dia pun request utk anak dia... nk letak kat beg sekolah dorg... Nama anak dia Aiman & Amalina... 

Ni la hasilnya... Aku amik ms 1 ari je uat mende nih... 

Friendship Keychains : Amalina & Aiman...

Sbb dorg adelah kanak2 sekolah rendah.. aku pilih warna2 terang mcm tu... bg mood ceria.. kanak2 kn ceria memanjang... hehehe... comel jer...

Mesti ada yg nk tau brp harga mende nih? Ok, ni detail2...

Harga Keychain Kurang Dari 5 Huruf/character = RM4
Tambahan setiap  huruf = RM 0.50

n, klu nk order, msg aku kat sbb aku kna cek avaibility dlu... mende2 handmade ni, memakan masa... 

ok, aku nk tito dh... ZZZZZZZZZ

Saturday, December 18, 2010

White-Pink Crocheted Baby Booties and Pencil Case

 This is my 1st post regarding crochet I guess... hmm... actually, i ve been in luv wif crochet since da 1st time i learned it which was 5 years ago... Thanx to a fren of mine 4 thought me... thanx to my aunt as well...

White Pink Baby Booties

I crocheted those booties 4 my fren, cik ros... she saw a pic of my old work in my phone n she asked me to make one 4 her... she said dat they were so beautiful n she wanna own 1... then, i started to make those booties 4 her... she loves pink... so, i choose pink to be da main color... n 4 a baby, white is da most suitable color i guess... in my eyes, pink will go along so well wif white... i really luv it...

Then, wif da same yarn, I crocheted this... A sweet looking pencil case 4 her... using da scallop pattern, i ve made this... It was 8"X4" big... Enough to store her stuff when she is working... hehehehe...

White-Pink Pencil Case

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Review : Tiada Batasan Sayang - Norhayati Berahim

hmm.. aku br je abis baca novel ni... aritu bosan2, aku terjmp buku ni kat rak... buku ni kakak aku yg punyer... aku pun amik bc...

Sinopsis :

Nicholas / Fauzul, seorg lelaki yg dilahirkan di Labis, Johor tp dh lama menetap di Amsterdam. Ibunya berbangsa Belanda manakala arwah ayahnya adalah org Melayu.... Balik ke Malaysia semata-mata utk menyiasat misteri kematian ayahnya... Ditambah dgn penceraiannya dgn Vivian serta perangai ibunya yang menjengkelkan mendorong Fauzul utk kembali ke Malaysia...

Di Labis, dia menetap bersama Pakcik Mod dan berkenalan dgn anak saudara Pakcik Mod, Balkish. Fauzul tertarik dgn kesederhanaan dan peribadi Balkish tanpa diketahuinya, arwah ayah Balkish adalah lelaki yg dituduh membunuh ayahnya, Mr. Kamil.

Dari penyiasatan Fauzul, dia mendapat tahu ayahnya pernah mengganggu ramai wanita termasuk Mak Ngah Zaidah, ibu saudara Balkish dan itu mungkin menjadi motif ayahnya dibunuh ayah Balkish. Tapi benarkah ayah Balkish yang membunuh ayah Fauzul? Atau dia sekadar berada di tempat yang salah di waktu yang salah? Jika tidak, siapakah pembunuh sebenar?

Review :

Norhayati Berahim mmg seorang penulis yg suka menulis tentang kekeluargaan dan kemanusiaan... itu antara faktor aku suka membaca tulisan dia... cinta? semua kisah mestilah diselitkan dgn kisah cinta kn? cinta kn sentiasa ada di mana2.... itulah hakikat kehidupan...

Bagi aku, aku suka cr tulisan Norhayati Berahim yg byk memberi pengajaran dan nasihat... Menjadikan dia antara penulis novel melayu yang aku minati...

Tiada Batasan Sayang juga x lari dari nilai kekeluargaan yg sarat... tahniah utk penulis kerana berjaya lari dr tema cinta romantis yg berlambak2 di pasaran (smp kdg2 aku dh x tau nk bc novel ape sbb citer sumer sama)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eat All You Can : Asama Thai Food

Yesterday, utk 2nd time aku g mkn kat Asama Thai Food...  Last week dah g dh... Dgn member aku yg bnama Ina... tp kali ni aku g mkn sensorg.. (sedey kn? nk uat camne... Ina tpaksa OT... tpaksala  aku g sorg.. T_T) 

ni la Ina... member rapat aku kat tpt keje... hehehe... dgn dia ni la aku bersuka ria, berkongsi duka...
Dah namanya, Asama Thai Food, restoran ni mmg menyajikan makanan Thai la kn? Mcm2 jenis makanan thai yg ada... dr appetizer, main dish, smpla desert n drinks... 

Tmpt duduknya pun mmg berkonsepkan suasana restoran di Thailand... Even, lagu2 thai juga dimainkan... mmg terasa mcm mkn dekat thai... hehehe... yg bestnyer, korg ble duduk mkn bersila kat cni... dun wori, bg mereka2 yg mudah kebas bila dok bersila mcm aku ni, ade kerusi disediakan utk korg... 

ni la tpt duduk bersila tu... mmg cantek kn?
ni meja berkerusi... menarik kn? mmg suasana tropika kn? (ade gak meja segi empat disediakan... tp aku x dpt nk zoom kamera la)

Food Reviews

Ni menu yang aku mkn yesterday... Actually menu2 ni dtg dalam hidangan set...

Nasi Putih Wif Ayam Masak Pedas, Telur Mata & Salad...

Tomyam Campur

Air Longan

Tomyam Campur :

Tomyam campur kat cni mmg sedap... Mmg rs asli tomyam thai (aku dh pnah mkn tomyam kat Thailand... so, aku mmg dh pnah rs tomyam asli thai..) Isinya pun byk... ada udang, ayam, sotong, crabstick, fishcake, fishball, cendawan... pendek kata, mcm2 la... mmg berbaloi...

Menariknya, tomyam kat cni dihidangkan dlm tembikar (sila refer gbr bawah ni)... Perasan x, ade 2 tingkat? Tingkat bawah tu diletakkan api n di atas tu adelah periuk berisi tomyam... so, tomyam tu akan sentiasa panas la kn? Ni menjadikan tomyam tu sentiasa panas dan sedap...

How Tomyam Was Served...

Ayam Masak Pedas :

Hmm... Rs dia a bit mcm ayam masak lemak cili api... Tp ayam masak pedas ni lebey sedap sbb dia x terlalu creamy mcm masak lemak cili api... 

Telur Goreng :

X yah nk review la ek... mn2 pun sma je rs...

Salad :

Sori la ek... aku x mkn sayur... so, mmg aku x sentuh pun sayur tuh...

Air longan :

Sedap... X terlalu manis... Sedang2 je... ade beberapa ketul longan gak...

Ni  pulak, menu yg aku dgn Ina mkn last week...

Ni food aku... Last week pun aku order set gak... tp set lain la...

Nasi Goreng Nanas With Ayam Goreng & Salad
Air Oren
Tomyam Campur

Nasi Goreng Nanas :

Aku lebey prefer nasik putih bila mkn tomyam... Bila tomyam dimakan dgn makanan  bergoreng, nasik goreng kn berminyak, so gandingan yg x berapa kna... terasa sedikit berminyak... ditambah lak dgn ayam goreng lg menambahkan rs berminyak... tp rs nasik grg nanas dia ble tahan jg la...

Tomyam Campur :

Aku dh review kat atas td... 

Ayam Goreng :

Ayam Goreng kat sini mmg sedap... Crispy je kulit dia... Rs dia agak lain dgn ayam grg yg biasa kita mkn... x terlalu spicy... rs dia nice2 je...

Air Oren :

Ble tahan... Mcm air oren yg biasa kita minum la... nothing special... Aku n Ina dua2 minum air nih...

Ni food yg Ina order...

Bihun Goreng Tomyam

Bihun Goreng Tomyam :

Aku sempat merasa skit bihun goreng tomyam nih... Sedap... Tp sedikit pedas la... Rs tomyam dia tu mmg sedap dan asli...

Dh abis aku review apa yang aku mkn... Hahaha...

Aku mmg suggest korg mkn kat cni la... Tempat dia cantek, makanan pun sedap... Harga pun berpatutan... Mesti korang nk tau kat mn kn? Ok, kat Sungai Petani, Kedah... Utk korg yg tgl kat Kedah, or dtg cni bercuti ke outstation ke... Restoran ni terletak kat Central Square... Tingkat 1 kalau aku x silap (almaklumla aku ni slalu konfius psl tingkat bangunan or arah jalan)... Betul2 berhadapan dgn kedai kasut Vincci...

Hahaha... Nanti kalau ade mende menarik lagik... Aku share n review lagi k?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cinderella Stiletto Was Found By a Prince Charming....

Korang mesti x caya yang kasut kaca cinderella tu wujud kn? Kalau x caya, tgkla sendiri gbr nih!!! Betul x aku ckp??? ni bkn gbr photoshop k??? ni gbr betul... fresh dr memory card samsung champku!!! Kasut kaca yang tgl sebelah je!! Sbb kasut kaca sblh lagi ade kat prince charming... kasut kaca ni adelah hak milik kekal aku nyer k??? jgn jeles bila aku yg x cun ni ade prince charming yg kiut miut...(aku tau korg  nk muntah dh...)

Prince charming dh jmp kasut tu... so, dia sgtla gembira ria... terus dibawanya ke sna sini... dipeluk2, dikiss2... muka dia ms jmp kasut tu, sgt la epi... senyum smp nampak gigi2 dia yg tersusun rapi tu... terus dia peluk2 kiss pipi aku... sweet sungguh!!! cayang, i luv u so much... (ok, siler muntah hijau skrg) hehehe...

Nk tau sape prince charming aku???

Ni la prince charmingku yg sgt kiut miut... Muhammad Hadith Hikmat... Cayang dia cangat2... Muah Muah Muah...

Sepink Cinta Stiletto...
perasaan x ade loceng n rantai keychain kat blkg kasut ni??? kasut ni actually adelah keychain enpon aku!!! sgt menarik kn? mmg nampak  mcm stiletto betul!!!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Banjir oh Banjir...

Td kol 1 pg, tetiba abah masuk dlm bilik n ckp, air makin byk...  aku yg sdg enak dibuai mimpi terus terbgn n smp skrg x ble tito... kitorg suma bgn n standby...

abah n my bro ade kat luar... sdg memantau keadaan banjir... klu makin teruk, kitorg nk packing n lari g umah sewa aku kat Sungai Petani... ade gak 2 org kawan adik aku yg dtg tito di rumah aku as umah dorg dh naik air... dorg ni classmate adik aku... skrg ni dorg pun dh jd pemantau banjir...

kitorg yg perempuan ade kat dlm umah ni menunggu arahan... aku kat dining room, facebuking n blogging... mama tgh lyn channel AXN... ntah citer ape tah dia dok tgk... kakak terchentaku, sdg enak dibuai mimpi... dia lom tau ape yg jd tu... adehla...

suasana kat luar tu, penuh dgn motor2... suma pun nk jd pemantau banjir x bertauliah... walaupun skrg ni dh kol 3 pg... keadaan kat luar tu sma mcm kol 8 mlm je lagaknyer... masih byk kenderaan...

banjir mmg makin teruk... lebey teruk dr banjir thn 2005 dlu... alhamdulillah, umah aku masih ok... tp umah maklong aku di kepala batas... mmg tenggelam abis... air dh smp ke bumbung... umah kakak aku di jitra, x banjir... tp x ble masuk as suma jln dh kna tutup...

aku just berharap banjir ni x makin buruk... klu x, mmg umah aku pun naik air...  so, kitorg standby je... klu perlu, terus cabut g umah sewa aku kat SP... dokumen penting mcm sijil2 suma aku dh letak asing... termasuk skrol degree yg belum sbln aku dpt... standby klu banjir, sng...

korg suma doakanlah, banjir ni berkurang... aku sedey tgk keadaan bandar kelahiran aku ni... mmg lumpuh abis!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

UTP Will Owez B In My Heart...

Such a long time i din get my blog updated... hehehe... lately, i hv nothing to share wif u guys... my life is so boring n everyday is just da same... 

as i just completed my convocation, i wanna write bout UTP... a place that i ve been living for 5 years... a place dat will owez be in my heart...a place dat i miss so much... since i left UTP in December 2009, everyday i keep missing UTP!!!

17th October 2010... we hv graduated together... after 5 years of struggling...

everybody knows how prestigious UTP is... it is not dat easy to be in UTP... u must not only excellent in ur study but u hv to b active in ur co curriculum as well... plus, u hv to go tru such a very challenging assessment b4 u can enter UTP!!! 

i just wanna share wif u guys wut are the things dat im gonna miss bout UTP...

My Room & Roomate..

In this room, me n my roomate hv created such a meaningful moments... We shared laughter n tears in this room...Most of my time was spent in this room... to my beloved roomate, Norhidayah Mohd Saini, thanks 4 owez be wif me... I love u n i will owez do!!! V5K-L2.3-5 will owez be in my heart...

my study table...
tito tito tito... student's life was really awesome... coz u can hv ur evening nap!!!
my roomate... till da day i die, i ll owez luv her... we hv gone tru so many things together...

Lecture Hall / Lecture Theater
2nd place dat ive spent most of my time will be Lecture Hall or we called them LH, pocket, D1, D2, C1, C2 n many more c's n d's... i miss my lecturers n tutors as well... especially Dr. Faiz Ahmad... To me, he is not only a lecturer, he is also a father, a fren, a counselor... thank you for everything... only Allah can repay ur kindness... below are some pictures that  r still available in my collection... 

minum2 susu during klas Dr. Amin... hehe... operation management...
sleep in da class... who cares?
wif uny azmi... b4 reservoir class started...
my last lecture... failure analysis n non destructive testing...
Eventhough sometimes, we secret n silently eat, chat n laugh in classes... we played a lot in da class...  (uny, siler igt peristiwa 'this is a marker pen' dlm kelas Ir. Mokhtar... hahaha) but, we never skip classes... we never asked someone else to sign 4 our attendance... i miss those moment... when i can still laugh n smile sincerely...

Labs / Mechi Blocks

Most of my labs are located in da mechi (mechanical engineering) building... as i am a mechanical girl... We hv experienced lot of experiments in labs... Esspecially, during FYP... we did a lot of lab works.. till i can say dat, lab is my 2nd home at that time... i miss materials lab so much... i miss those helpful technicians as well... abg omar, abg syairul, abg faizal... suma la... mish mish mish!!! hahaha... (ignore da gedix poss of mine k?) hahaha...

gedix poss while waiting 4 da mounting machine...
pretending dat we r seriously listening to da instruction...
i am a mechanical engineering student... so wut???
Exam / Tests

Believe me, sitting 4 da exams n tests r so much better than working k? i admit that!!! eventhough u hv to stadi, but still it is so much better... coz u dont hv to entertain ur subordinates dat will drive u crazy!!!

ni time OM test during my final year final semester...

Information Resource Center (IRC la wei... sj nk skemakan diri)

a place dat owez be during study week or exam weeks... so cold there... hehehe... but i luv da coldness... hahaha... a very nice place to study n usya2 ensem guys... hahaha... ok, i like lelaki ensem... hahaha...

wif osmets... mish3...
ignore muka bajet cute nih... ni tgh tension study vibration nih...

Chancellor Complex

A very nice place... Excellent architecture design... CH was da place where I did received my scroll there... I did sat 4 my exam there... dat r da reasons why i miss dat place... hehehe...
wif farah during Rector's award...

Megi Goreng / Roti Bakar Telur Manis Ameeth
If u r a UTP students, u must know these 2 menus... These 2 menus, we cannot get them in other place... ok, i did took lot of pics of megi grg n roti bakar telur manis, so dat i wont miss them in future... hahaha...

roti bakar telur manis... so yummy!!!
dis is wut we called megi grg ayam telur mata x nk sayur...

wut i miss da most??????

my family in UTP... my best frens!!!

Norhidayah Mohd. Saini, Farah 'Aaeni Sabrina Ahmad@Hashim, Nurul Hazwani Azmi, Siti Azella Zaine, Nurul Aminah Mohd. Azmi, Jaffa Rizal Izha bin Jamaluddin...  wif them, i ve spent so much time... they hv been wif me wherever i go... Really glad to have such a great frens like u guys... thanx guys...  4 being such a great frens towards me... u were there 4 me tru my hardship n happiness... thanx a lot... only allah can repay ur kindness... eventhough, we r all far apart, u guys will owez b in my heart.. I ll owez pray 4 u guys...

friendship 4eva...
i know wut u ate at mcd... hahaha...

graduated together...
glory moment dat i miss.... so much...

when i need help, they were owez there 4 me...
during my 22nd bufday...
last moments dat we ve spent together...
I cannot deny dat UTP had created lot of sweet moments in my life... UTP had raised me up as i am today... Hope 1 day, i can get back to UTP to continue my study... Really hope dat i can do my master in UTP... 

my dear UTP... one day, i ll be back... insyaallah...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thank You My Frenz...

Salam to all...

Its oredi 12.42 am but i still dun feel like sleeping... must b bcoz of da white coffee dat i drank during berbuka... so, i guess i wanna write something... i wanna express my feeling n appreciate few important people...

to all yg slalu bk my facebuk, u guys mesti perasan status aku kebelakangan ni sedey2 je kn? yes, mmg aku sgt pressure n sgt x epi... like i wrote this morning on my fb status, "Teach me how 2 smile n laugh sincerely.. Coz i ve never did them since i ve been in this hell til i ve forgotten how..."

sejak aku keje, aku mmg sgt x epi... aku smp skrg x ble get along wif my working environment... setiap ari, aku mesti nangis... terlalu byk dugaan n cabaran yg aku terpaksa aku lalui smp aku hampir mengaku kalah... aku leh terima kesibukan, aku leh endure keje yg teruk... tp aku x ble endure environment kat situ...  terutamanya perangai2 manusia (bkn semua) yg mcm tuuuutttttttt!!!! aku hanya bertahan sbb aku x mampu nk byr denda if aku langgar kontrak... klu x, mmg aku dh cabut...

aku realize... life aku dh byk berubah... mcm tu gak diri aku... from a epi go lucky girl, aku berubah menjadi seorg yg kerap nangis... dgn famili pun, aku lebey byk berdiam... selera mkn aku pun dh makin berkurang... aku kerap jatuh sakit... teman baik aku skrg, adelah air mata, lappy, enpon n diary... tu petanda yg aku sgt "bahagia" kn?

tp aku ttp bersyukur... masih ade insan2 yg mengambil berat... aritu, ms aku tgh sedey2... suddenly, 2 org staff ms aku intern kat PGB dlu called, n ask me out 4 roti arab... thanx en. wahid n mat ajis 4 da treat... at least, 4 few hours, i din think bout sad things...

even dis evening... mat ajis did called me... asked me wut is happening to me coz he read my fb profile n it wasnt sounds good... thanx bro 4 ur careness... 
to my frens esspecially my BFF, mas syazaneeza shab n my beloved utp osmets... hidayahsaini, farah, uny, azella, n nurulle... jaffa, u r counted too evendo u r not our osmet.. hahaha... not forgotten, Nurul Farhana Zakaria... thanx 4 being my frenz... 4 all things dat we hv gone tru 2gether... during da hardship n happiness...  till da day i die, i wont forget u guys... thanx a lot... evendo we too far apart, but they still support me... thanx a lot gurls... only allah can repay ur kindness... 

my BFF : mas syazaneeza shab... almost 10 years we ve become BFF...

my beloved osmets a.k.a my BFF... they hv been wif me throughout my hardship n happiness... till da day i die, i wont forget u guys...

i luv her too tri four... nurul farhana zakaria....

there is another person, i wanna say millions of thanx to him... 4 da 1st time since i ve been working... i felt really relief when i spoke to him... he had given me some advices n spent hours just to listen to my prob evendo he is now too far away from me.. thanx a lot 4 being such a great listener... i'm really lucky to hv a brother like u... 

evendo i owez keep complaining about my life, my career, my life path as they din turned out as i want them to be... but now i realize.. how lucky i am... owez surrounded by people who loves me... thanx guys...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ku Tak Akan Bersuara... Walau Dirimu Kekurangan... Hanya Setiamu Itu Kuharapkan...

Salam to all...

Actually, i wanna post an entry bout my trip to Penang today... But i guess, i ll update bout dat tomoro as there was a very big thing hepen to my younger bro...

Dis evening... i received a call from my abah.. he told me dat my bro was involved in an eksiden... i was really shocked at dat time... i did asked, "dia ok x? dia bw keta mn?" (sgt takut klu2 dia bw motorcycle... motorcycle is more dangerous than car, rite?)

thank you Allah, he did drove a car.. my abah answered,"dia ok ja... x da apa pun... keta ja teruk.. dia bw satria td..." fuh, so relief!!!

then, i did thought bout da car he used... that KAL 1235... da green satria which used to be mine before...  (now oredi in white color)... this is da 2nd time dat car involved in accidents...

1st time, back into the end of 2004 if im not mistaken.. at that time, my abah drove it himself... he was on da way to his office... as my abah tried to avoid da motorcycle which suddenly got into his lane, abah n da car have fallen into the nearby drain after da car spun for a while... thank god, abah only got scratches...nothing serious... but da car... so seriously dented till abah almost sell da car...

n, now my younger brother also face da same thing... thank Allah, my bro was not injured at all...

ok, a few things dat really touched my heart... why i do think dat da car is so meaningful?

1) dat car has been used by my abah to ulang alik from alor setar to padang besar everyday for 2 years (90km for one way journey... 180km per day)
2) my abah used dat car to ulang alik from alor setar tu bukit kayu hitam for 6 years (30km for one way journey... 60 km per day)
3) i used dat car to ulang alik from alor setar to gurun during my intern for 8 months (40 km for one way... 80 km per day)
4) my younger bro is using da car to his politeknik for almost 4 months oredi... (30 km per day I guess)

can u c how hard dat car had struggled for us? It keeps accompany my abah when he went to work, it keeps accompany me during my campus time... n now, it keeps accompany my younger bro when he is finishing his study...

if da car is a living thing, it can be awarded as the most loyal employee!!!

no matter how old it looks, how many times it broke down, how cheap its price can be... for me, it is a very special car which can never been found again...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tak Bisa Memilihmu...

hehehe... rajin aku menghapdate  blog kn? almost everyday... hehehe..

arini ade mende x best yg aku nk kongsi dgn korang... utk 1st time dlm idup aku... aku disaman polis!!! kesalahan? x pkai sit belt!!!! ok, aku x slhkan abg polis yg comel tu sbb menyaman aku... salah aku sendiri la kn? time tu aku br kuar kilang, lebey krg kol 4.10 ptg... (aku keje walaupun ari sabtu, sbb aku OT arini)...

Aku g balai polis nk tnya psl saman tu... yelah, kna byr brp, mcm mn nk bayar, kna la tnya kn?  leh lak aku terserempak dgn abang polis yg saman aku tu!!! mmg kuat betul jodoh aku dgn abg polis tu... nasib baik muka dia tu comel gak... hehehe...

haih... looks like... elaun OTku utk arini bakal digunakan utk byr saman!!! impianku utk beli kasut crocs dgn duit OT nampaknya mcm tipis... unless klu aku rajin nk uat OT lg next week... dhle elaun OT pun ciput... haih... maaf encik crocs, aku x bisa memilih dirimu... kerna aku perlu bayar saman... inilah salahku yg x pkai sit belt!!!

tp sori guys, aku x dpt nk amik gbr surat saman tu... sbb kamera aku abis bateri da... nanti klu aku dh g bli bateri... aku postkn k?

Pengajaran Utk Arini : Siler pkai sit belt walaupun destinasi anda dkt je!!!

Aku Masih Dara

Last nite, i did went 4 a movie 2 watch " Aku Masih Dara" wif my colleague, Ina... As u guys know, I dun really get into Malay movies... but i did admit, some malay movies are gud... like most of Yasmin Ahmad's movies... I really like her movies...

but unfortunately, not 4 'aku masih dara'... im not an expert to give comments regarding dis movie, but im giving my personal comments...

ok, ade bbrp scene yg aku rs x patut ada pun actually.. or yg mungkin bakal mengundang kontroversi... or scene yg aku rs kurang sesuai.... antaranya :
  1. scene Aleesya(yana) call Sofea (raja farah)... time tu Aleesya br pas mandi n sdg berkemban (x tau nape perlu berkemban utk jwb call)... mmg la bahagian bahu tu ditutup... tp ia ttp berkemban kn? aku rs, lg manis kalau Aleesya berpakaian penuh n melilit kepala dia dgn towel... tupun dh ckup utk tunjuk dia br pas mandi...
  2. scene Aleesya bgtau yg dia 'period'... aku x tau nape perlu ditunjukkan tisu/pad yg dipenuhi darah? ckup kot klu dia just jerit bgtau dia period... smp ade bbrp lelaki yg duduk x jauh dr aku dlm panggung tu geli geleman.... 
  3. scene Sofea tito di atas sofa kat umah Firdaus... aku x pham nape sorg pompuan leh tito ats sofa mcm tu kat umah org... mcm dh x de blik dia nk tito... xknla mak firdaus begitu sporting?? x kesah anak dara tito mcm tu kat umah dia...
  4. scena Firdaus yg tergoda bila tgk betis Sofea yg terselak... sdgkan b4 dat, dia ade g disko (ikut dorg g disko)... lg teruk kot pakaian2 org2 kat disko tu... tp x tergoda lak dia??? sdgkan dia just nampak betis sofea je pun...
Apa2pun... aku suka ending citer nih... klu korg nk tau nape... korg g la tgk... hehehe.... 

Aiman & Amalina Keychains...

Dh lebey kol 12 mlm dh... Dh ngantuk actually...Tp ttp nk buat post ni... demi cintaku kpd benang2, post ni aku nk tulis gak... hehehe... walaupun esok aku keje!!! lgpun kegembiraan dpt payung ESPRIT masih ada... membuatkan aku bersemangat nk tulis blog... hehehe... tima kaceh kpd org yg bg payung ESPRIT kale ijau tu... pasni, sy x kna ujan dh... hahaha...

Now, we back to my craft story... mende ni asalnya dipanggil friendship bracelet... tp sbb skrg ni, org dh x pkai bracelet2 camtu... aku modified utk uat keychain... keychain lebey flexible... leh letak kat beg, enpon, kunci umah, kunci keta...

Actually, mula2 tu aku uat utk diri sendiri je... tp ade colleague aku tgk n berkenan... dia pun request utk anak dia... nk letak kat beg sekolah dorg... Nama anak dia Aiman & Amalina... 

Ni la hasilnya... Aku amik ms 1 ari je uat mende nih... 

Friendship Keychains : Amalina & Aiman...

Sbb dorg adelah kanak2 sekolah rendah.. aku pilih warna2 terang mcm tu... bg mood ceria.. kanak2 kn ceria memanjang... hehehe... comel jer...

Mesti ada yg nk tau brp harga mende nih? Ok, ni detail2...

Harga Keychain Kurang Dari 5 Huruf/character = RM4
Tambahan setiap  huruf = RM 0.50

n, klu nk order, msg aku kat sbb aku kna cek avaibility dlu... mende2 handmade ni, memakan masa... 

ok, aku nk tito dh... ZZZZZZZZZ

White-Pink Crocheted Baby Booties and Pencil Case

 This is my 1st post regarding crochet I guess... hmm... actually, i ve been in luv wif crochet since da 1st time i learned it which was 5 years ago... Thanx to a fren of mine 4 thought me... thanx to my aunt as well...

White Pink Baby Booties

I crocheted those booties 4 my fren, cik ros... she saw a pic of my old work in my phone n she asked me to make one 4 her... she said dat they were so beautiful n she wanna own 1... then, i started to make those booties 4 her... she loves pink... so, i choose pink to be da main color... n 4 a baby, white is da most suitable color i guess... in my eyes, pink will go along so well wif white... i really luv it...

Then, wif da same yarn, I crocheted this... A sweet looking pencil case 4 her... using da scallop pattern, i ve made this... It was 8"X4" big... Enough to store her stuff when she is working... hehehehe...

White-Pink Pencil Case

Book Review : Tiada Batasan Sayang - Norhayati Berahim

hmm.. aku br je abis baca novel ni... aritu bosan2, aku terjmp buku ni kat rak... buku ni kakak aku yg punyer... aku pun amik bc...

Sinopsis :

Nicholas / Fauzul, seorg lelaki yg dilahirkan di Labis, Johor tp dh lama menetap di Amsterdam. Ibunya berbangsa Belanda manakala arwah ayahnya adalah org Melayu.... Balik ke Malaysia semata-mata utk menyiasat misteri kematian ayahnya... Ditambah dgn penceraiannya dgn Vivian serta perangai ibunya yang menjengkelkan mendorong Fauzul utk kembali ke Malaysia...

Di Labis, dia menetap bersama Pakcik Mod dan berkenalan dgn anak saudara Pakcik Mod, Balkish. Fauzul tertarik dgn kesederhanaan dan peribadi Balkish tanpa diketahuinya, arwah ayah Balkish adalah lelaki yg dituduh membunuh ayahnya, Mr. Kamil.

Dari penyiasatan Fauzul, dia mendapat tahu ayahnya pernah mengganggu ramai wanita termasuk Mak Ngah Zaidah, ibu saudara Balkish dan itu mungkin menjadi motif ayahnya dibunuh ayah Balkish. Tapi benarkah ayah Balkish yang membunuh ayah Fauzul? Atau dia sekadar berada di tempat yang salah di waktu yang salah? Jika tidak, siapakah pembunuh sebenar?

Review :

Norhayati Berahim mmg seorang penulis yg suka menulis tentang kekeluargaan dan kemanusiaan... itu antara faktor aku suka membaca tulisan dia... cinta? semua kisah mestilah diselitkan dgn kisah cinta kn? cinta kn sentiasa ada di mana2.... itulah hakikat kehidupan...

Bagi aku, aku suka cr tulisan Norhayati Berahim yg byk memberi pengajaran dan nasihat... Menjadikan dia antara penulis novel melayu yang aku minati...

Tiada Batasan Sayang juga x lari dari nilai kekeluargaan yg sarat... tahniah utk penulis kerana berjaya lari dr tema cinta romantis yg berlambak2 di pasaran (smp kdg2 aku dh x tau nk bc novel ape sbb citer sumer sama)

Eat All You Can : Asama Thai Food

Yesterday, utk 2nd time aku g mkn kat Asama Thai Food...  Last week dah g dh... Dgn member aku yg bnama Ina... tp kali ni aku g mkn sensorg.. (sedey kn? nk uat camne... Ina tpaksa OT... tpaksala  aku g sorg.. T_T) 

ni la Ina... member rapat aku kat tpt keje... hehehe... dgn dia ni la aku bersuka ria, berkongsi duka...
Dah namanya, Asama Thai Food, restoran ni mmg menyajikan makanan Thai la kn? Mcm2 jenis makanan thai yg ada... dr appetizer, main dish, smpla desert n drinks... 

Tmpt duduknya pun mmg berkonsepkan suasana restoran di Thailand... Even, lagu2 thai juga dimainkan... mmg terasa mcm mkn dekat thai... hehehe... yg bestnyer, korg ble duduk mkn bersila kat cni... dun wori, bg mereka2 yg mudah kebas bila dok bersila mcm aku ni, ade kerusi disediakan utk korg... 

ni la tpt duduk bersila tu... mmg cantek kn?
ni meja berkerusi... menarik kn? mmg suasana tropika kn? (ade gak meja segi empat disediakan... tp aku x dpt nk zoom kamera la)

Food Reviews

Ni menu yang aku mkn yesterday... Actually menu2 ni dtg dalam hidangan set...

Nasi Putih Wif Ayam Masak Pedas, Telur Mata & Salad...

Tomyam Campur

Air Longan

Tomyam Campur :

Tomyam campur kat cni mmg sedap... Mmg rs asli tomyam thai (aku dh pnah mkn tomyam kat Thailand... so, aku mmg dh pnah rs tomyam asli thai..) Isinya pun byk... ada udang, ayam, sotong, crabstick, fishcake, fishball, cendawan... pendek kata, mcm2 la... mmg berbaloi...

Menariknya, tomyam kat cni dihidangkan dlm tembikar (sila refer gbr bawah ni)... Perasan x, ade 2 tingkat? Tingkat bawah tu diletakkan api n di atas tu adelah periuk berisi tomyam... so, tomyam tu akan sentiasa panas la kn? Ni menjadikan tomyam tu sentiasa panas dan sedap...

How Tomyam Was Served...

Ayam Masak Pedas :

Hmm... Rs dia a bit mcm ayam masak lemak cili api... Tp ayam masak pedas ni lebey sedap sbb dia x terlalu creamy mcm masak lemak cili api... 

Telur Goreng :

X yah nk review la ek... mn2 pun sma je rs...

Salad :

Sori la ek... aku x mkn sayur... so, mmg aku x sentuh pun sayur tuh...

Air longan :

Sedap... X terlalu manis... Sedang2 je... ade beberapa ketul longan gak...

Ni  pulak, menu yg aku dgn Ina mkn last week...

Ni food aku... Last week pun aku order set gak... tp set lain la...

Nasi Goreng Nanas With Ayam Goreng & Salad
Air Oren
Tomyam Campur

Nasi Goreng Nanas :

Aku lebey prefer nasik putih bila mkn tomyam... Bila tomyam dimakan dgn makanan  bergoreng, nasik goreng kn berminyak, so gandingan yg x berapa kna... terasa sedikit berminyak... ditambah lak dgn ayam goreng lg menambahkan rs berminyak... tp rs nasik grg nanas dia ble tahan jg la...

Tomyam Campur :

Aku dh review kat atas td... 

Ayam Goreng :

Ayam Goreng kat sini mmg sedap... Crispy je kulit dia... Rs dia agak lain dgn ayam grg yg biasa kita mkn... x terlalu spicy... rs dia nice2 je...

Air Oren :

Ble tahan... Mcm air oren yg biasa kita minum la... nothing special... Aku n Ina dua2 minum air nih...

Ni food yg Ina order...

Bihun Goreng Tomyam

Bihun Goreng Tomyam :

Aku sempat merasa skit bihun goreng tomyam nih... Sedap... Tp sedikit pedas la... Rs tomyam dia tu mmg sedap dan asli...

Dh abis aku review apa yang aku mkn... Hahaha...

Aku mmg suggest korg mkn kat cni la... Tempat dia cantek, makanan pun sedap... Harga pun berpatutan... Mesti korang nk tau kat mn kn? Ok, kat Sungai Petani, Kedah... Utk korg yg tgl kat Kedah, or dtg cni bercuti ke outstation ke... Restoran ni terletak kat Central Square... Tingkat 1 kalau aku x silap (almaklumla aku ni slalu konfius psl tingkat bangunan or arah jalan)... Betul2 berhadapan dgn kedai kasut Vincci...

Hahaha... Nanti kalau ade mende menarik lagik... Aku share n review lagi k?

Cinderella Stiletto Was Found By a Prince Charming....

Korang mesti x caya yang kasut kaca cinderella tu wujud kn? Kalau x caya, tgkla sendiri gbr nih!!! Betul x aku ckp??? ni bkn gbr photoshop k??? ni gbr betul... fresh dr memory card samsung champku!!! Kasut kaca yang tgl sebelah je!! Sbb kasut kaca sblh lagi ade kat prince charming... kasut kaca ni adelah hak milik kekal aku nyer k??? jgn jeles bila aku yg x cun ni ade prince charming yg kiut miut...(aku tau korg  nk muntah dh...)

Prince charming dh jmp kasut tu... so, dia sgtla gembira ria... terus dibawanya ke sna sini... dipeluk2, dikiss2... muka dia ms jmp kasut tu, sgt la epi... senyum smp nampak gigi2 dia yg tersusun rapi tu... terus dia peluk2 kiss pipi aku... sweet sungguh!!! cayang, i luv u so much... (ok, siler muntah hijau skrg) hehehe...

Nk tau sape prince charming aku???

Ni la prince charmingku yg sgt kiut miut... Muhammad Hadith Hikmat... Cayang dia cangat2... Muah Muah Muah...

Sepink Cinta Stiletto...
perasaan x ade loceng n rantai keychain kat blkg kasut ni??? kasut ni actually adelah keychain enpon aku!!! sgt menarik kn? mmg nampak  mcm stiletto betul!!!


Banjir oh Banjir...

Td kol 1 pg, tetiba abah masuk dlm bilik n ckp, air makin byk...  aku yg sdg enak dibuai mimpi terus terbgn n smp skrg x ble tito... kitorg suma bgn n standby...

abah n my bro ade kat luar... sdg memantau keadaan banjir... klu makin teruk, kitorg nk packing n lari g umah sewa aku kat Sungai Petani... ade gak 2 org kawan adik aku yg dtg tito di rumah aku as umah dorg dh naik air... dorg ni classmate adik aku... skrg ni dorg pun dh jd pemantau banjir...

kitorg yg perempuan ade kat dlm umah ni menunggu arahan... aku kat dining room, facebuking n blogging... mama tgh lyn channel AXN... ntah citer ape tah dia dok tgk... kakak terchentaku, sdg enak dibuai mimpi... dia lom tau ape yg jd tu... adehla...

suasana kat luar tu, penuh dgn motor2... suma pun nk jd pemantau banjir x bertauliah... walaupun skrg ni dh kol 3 pg... keadaan kat luar tu sma mcm kol 8 mlm je lagaknyer... masih byk kenderaan...

banjir mmg makin teruk... lebey teruk dr banjir thn 2005 dlu... alhamdulillah, umah aku masih ok... tp umah maklong aku di kepala batas... mmg tenggelam abis... air dh smp ke bumbung... umah kakak aku di jitra, x banjir... tp x ble masuk as suma jln dh kna tutup...

aku just berharap banjir ni x makin buruk... klu x, mmg umah aku pun naik air...  so, kitorg standby je... klu perlu, terus cabut g umah sewa aku kat SP... dokumen penting mcm sijil2 suma aku dh letak asing... termasuk skrol degree yg belum sbln aku dpt... standby klu banjir, sng...

korg suma doakanlah, banjir ni berkurang... aku sedey tgk keadaan bandar kelahiran aku ni... mmg lumpuh abis!!!

UTP Will Owez B In My Heart...

Such a long time i din get my blog updated... hehehe... lately, i hv nothing to share wif u guys... my life is so boring n everyday is just da same... 

as i just completed my convocation, i wanna write bout UTP... a place that i ve been living for 5 years... a place dat will owez be in my heart...a place dat i miss so much... since i left UTP in December 2009, everyday i keep missing UTP!!!

17th October 2010... we hv graduated together... after 5 years of struggling...

everybody knows how prestigious UTP is... it is not dat easy to be in UTP... u must not only excellent in ur study but u hv to b active in ur co curriculum as well... plus, u hv to go tru such a very challenging assessment b4 u can enter UTP!!! 

i just wanna share wif u guys wut are the things dat im gonna miss bout UTP...

My Room & Roomate..

In this room, me n my roomate hv created such a meaningful moments... We shared laughter n tears in this room...Most of my time was spent in this room... to my beloved roomate, Norhidayah Mohd Saini, thanks 4 owez be wif me... I love u n i will owez do!!! V5K-L2.3-5 will owez be in my heart...

my study table...
tito tito tito... student's life was really awesome... coz u can hv ur evening nap!!!
my roomate... till da day i die, i ll owez luv her... we hv gone tru so many things together...

Lecture Hall / Lecture Theater
2nd place dat ive spent most of my time will be Lecture Hall or we called them LH, pocket, D1, D2, C1, C2 n many more c's n d's... i miss my lecturers n tutors as well... especially Dr. Faiz Ahmad... To me, he is not only a lecturer, he is also a father, a fren, a counselor... thank you for everything... only Allah can repay ur kindness... below are some pictures that  r still available in my collection... 

minum2 susu during klas Dr. Amin... hehe... operation management...
sleep in da class... who cares?
wif uny azmi... b4 reservoir class started...
my last lecture... failure analysis n non destructive testing...
Eventhough sometimes, we secret n silently eat, chat n laugh in classes... we played a lot in da class...  (uny, siler igt peristiwa 'this is a marker pen' dlm kelas Ir. Mokhtar... hahaha) but, we never skip classes... we never asked someone else to sign 4 our attendance... i miss those moment... when i can still laugh n smile sincerely...

Labs / Mechi Blocks

Most of my labs are located in da mechi (mechanical engineering) building... as i am a mechanical girl... We hv experienced lot of experiments in labs... Esspecially, during FYP... we did a lot of lab works.. till i can say dat, lab is my 2nd home at that time... i miss materials lab so much... i miss those helpful technicians as well... abg omar, abg syairul, abg faizal... suma la... mish mish mish!!! hahaha... (ignore da gedix poss of mine k?) hahaha...

gedix poss while waiting 4 da mounting machine...
pretending dat we r seriously listening to da instruction...
i am a mechanical engineering student... so wut???
Exam / Tests

Believe me, sitting 4 da exams n tests r so much better than working k? i admit that!!! eventhough u hv to stadi, but still it is so much better... coz u dont hv to entertain ur subordinates dat will drive u crazy!!!

ni time OM test during my final year final semester...

Information Resource Center (IRC la wei... sj nk skemakan diri)

a place dat owez be during study week or exam weeks... so cold there... hehehe... but i luv da coldness... hahaha... a very nice place to study n usya2 ensem guys... hahaha... ok, i like lelaki ensem... hahaha...

wif osmets... mish3...
ignore muka bajet cute nih... ni tgh tension study vibration nih...

Chancellor Complex

A very nice place... Excellent architecture design... CH was da place where I did received my scroll there... I did sat 4 my exam there... dat r da reasons why i miss dat place... hehehe...
wif farah during Rector's award...

Megi Goreng / Roti Bakar Telur Manis Ameeth
If u r a UTP students, u must know these 2 menus... These 2 menus, we cannot get them in other place... ok, i did took lot of pics of megi grg n roti bakar telur manis, so dat i wont miss them in future... hahaha...

roti bakar telur manis... so yummy!!!
dis is wut we called megi grg ayam telur mata x nk sayur...

wut i miss da most??????

my family in UTP... my best frens!!!

Norhidayah Mohd. Saini, Farah 'Aaeni Sabrina Ahmad@Hashim, Nurul Hazwani Azmi, Siti Azella Zaine, Nurul Aminah Mohd. Azmi, Jaffa Rizal Izha bin Jamaluddin...  wif them, i ve spent so much time... they hv been wif me wherever i go... Really glad to have such a great frens like u guys... thanx guys...  4 being such a great frens towards me... u were there 4 me tru my hardship n happiness... thanx a lot... only allah can repay ur kindness... eventhough, we r all far apart, u guys will owez b in my heart.. I ll owez pray 4 u guys...

friendship 4eva...
i know wut u ate at mcd... hahaha...

graduated together...
glory moment dat i miss.... so much...

when i need help, they were owez there 4 me...
during my 22nd bufday...
last moments dat we ve spent together...
I cannot deny dat UTP had created lot of sweet moments in my life... UTP had raised me up as i am today... Hope 1 day, i can get back to UTP to continue my study... Really hope dat i can do my master in UTP... 

my dear UTP... one day, i ll be back... insyaallah...

Thank You My Frenz...

Salam to all...

Its oredi 12.42 am but i still dun feel like sleeping... must b bcoz of da white coffee dat i drank during berbuka... so, i guess i wanna write something... i wanna express my feeling n appreciate few important people...

to all yg slalu bk my facebuk, u guys mesti perasan status aku kebelakangan ni sedey2 je kn? yes, mmg aku sgt pressure n sgt x epi... like i wrote this morning on my fb status, "Teach me how 2 smile n laugh sincerely.. Coz i ve never did them since i ve been in this hell til i ve forgotten how..."

sejak aku keje, aku mmg sgt x epi... aku smp skrg x ble get along wif my working environment... setiap ari, aku mesti nangis... terlalu byk dugaan n cabaran yg aku terpaksa aku lalui smp aku hampir mengaku kalah... aku leh terima kesibukan, aku leh endure keje yg teruk... tp aku x ble endure environment kat situ...  terutamanya perangai2 manusia (bkn semua) yg mcm tuuuutttttttt!!!! aku hanya bertahan sbb aku x mampu nk byr denda if aku langgar kontrak... klu x, mmg aku dh cabut...

aku realize... life aku dh byk berubah... mcm tu gak diri aku... from a epi go lucky girl, aku berubah menjadi seorg yg kerap nangis... dgn famili pun, aku lebey byk berdiam... selera mkn aku pun dh makin berkurang... aku kerap jatuh sakit... teman baik aku skrg, adelah air mata, lappy, enpon n diary... tu petanda yg aku sgt "bahagia" kn?

tp aku ttp bersyukur... masih ade insan2 yg mengambil berat... aritu, ms aku tgh sedey2... suddenly, 2 org staff ms aku intern kat PGB dlu called, n ask me out 4 roti arab... thanx en. wahid n mat ajis 4 da treat... at least, 4 few hours, i din think bout sad things...

even dis evening... mat ajis did called me... asked me wut is happening to me coz he read my fb profile n it wasnt sounds good... thanx bro 4 ur careness... 
to my frens esspecially my BFF, mas syazaneeza shab n my beloved utp osmets... hidayahsaini, farah, uny, azella, n nurulle... jaffa, u r counted too evendo u r not our osmet.. hahaha... not forgotten, Nurul Farhana Zakaria... thanx 4 being my frenz... 4 all things dat we hv gone tru 2gether... during da hardship n happiness...  till da day i die, i wont forget u guys... thanx a lot... evendo we too far apart, but they still support me... thanx a lot gurls... only allah can repay ur kindness... 

my BFF : mas syazaneeza shab... almost 10 years we ve become BFF...

my beloved osmets a.k.a my BFF... they hv been wif me throughout my hardship n happiness... till da day i die, i wont forget u guys...

i luv her too tri four... nurul farhana zakaria....

there is another person, i wanna say millions of thanx to him... 4 da 1st time since i ve been working... i felt really relief when i spoke to him... he had given me some advices n spent hours just to listen to my prob evendo he is now too far away from me.. thanx a lot 4 being such a great listener... i'm really lucky to hv a brother like u... 

evendo i owez keep complaining about my life, my career, my life path as they din turned out as i want them to be... but now i realize.. how lucky i am... owez surrounded by people who loves me... thanx guys...

Ku Tak Akan Bersuara... Walau Dirimu Kekurangan... Hanya Setiamu Itu Kuharapkan...

Salam to all...

Actually, i wanna post an entry bout my trip to Penang today... But i guess, i ll update bout dat tomoro as there was a very big thing hepen to my younger bro...

Dis evening... i received a call from my abah.. he told me dat my bro was involved in an eksiden... i was really shocked at dat time... i did asked, "dia ok x? dia bw keta mn?" (sgt takut klu2 dia bw motorcycle... motorcycle is more dangerous than car, rite?)

thank you Allah, he did drove a car.. my abah answered,"dia ok ja... x da apa pun... keta ja teruk.. dia bw satria td..." fuh, so relief!!!

then, i did thought bout da car he used... that KAL 1235... da green satria which used to be mine before...  (now oredi in white color)... this is da 2nd time dat car involved in accidents...

1st time, back into the end of 2004 if im not mistaken.. at that time, my abah drove it himself... he was on da way to his office... as my abah tried to avoid da motorcycle which suddenly got into his lane, abah n da car have fallen into the nearby drain after da car spun for a while... thank god, abah only got scratches...nothing serious... but da car... so seriously dented till abah almost sell da car...

n, now my younger brother also face da same thing... thank Allah, my bro was not injured at all...

ok, a few things dat really touched my heart... why i do think dat da car is so meaningful?

1) dat car has been used by my abah to ulang alik from alor setar to padang besar everyday for 2 years (90km for one way journey... 180km per day)
2) my abah used dat car to ulang alik from alor setar tu bukit kayu hitam for 6 years (30km for one way journey... 60 km per day)
3) i used dat car to ulang alik from alor setar to gurun during my intern for 8 months (40 km for one way... 80 km per day)
4) my younger bro is using da car to his politeknik for almost 4 months oredi... (30 km per day I guess)

can u c how hard dat car had struggled for us? It keeps accompany my abah when he went to work, it keeps accompany me during my campus time... n now, it keeps accompany my younger bro when he is finishing his study...

if da car is a living thing, it can be awarded as the most loyal employee!!!

no matter how old it looks, how many times it broke down, how cheap its price can be... for me, it is a very special car which can never been found again...

Tak Bisa Memilihmu...

hehehe... rajin aku menghapdate  blog kn? almost everyday... hehehe..

arini ade mende x best yg aku nk kongsi dgn korang... utk 1st time dlm idup aku... aku disaman polis!!! kesalahan? x pkai sit belt!!!! ok, aku x slhkan abg polis yg comel tu sbb menyaman aku... salah aku sendiri la kn? time tu aku br kuar kilang, lebey krg kol 4.10 ptg... (aku keje walaupun ari sabtu, sbb aku OT arini)...

Aku g balai polis nk tnya psl saman tu... yelah, kna byr brp, mcm mn nk bayar, kna la tnya kn?  leh lak aku terserempak dgn abang polis yg saman aku tu!!! mmg kuat betul jodoh aku dgn abg polis tu... nasib baik muka dia tu comel gak... hehehe...

haih... looks like... elaun OTku utk arini bakal digunakan utk byr saman!!! impianku utk beli kasut crocs dgn duit OT nampaknya mcm tipis... unless klu aku rajin nk uat OT lg next week... dhle elaun OT pun ciput... haih... maaf encik crocs, aku x bisa memilih dirimu... kerna aku perlu bayar saman... inilah salahku yg x pkai sit belt!!!

tp sori guys, aku x dpt nk amik gbr surat saman tu... sbb kamera aku abis bateri da... nanti klu aku dh g bli bateri... aku postkn k?

Pengajaran Utk Arini : Siler pkai sit belt walaupun destinasi anda dkt je!!!


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