Salam readers...
kecoh mgu ni dgn kes kpop... haish penat nk bc... mcm2 citer yg ble dgr... tetiba ada pulak yg bercerita pengalaman blaja kat korea la apala... haish... bdk pompuan tu mmg la jg mangsa kutukan yg rsnya dia mmg boleh dpt byk pahala free spjg mgu ni...
Pendapat aku, ni hanyalah issue culture difference.. so xyahla nk kutuk kpop tu sgt... bkn sbb aku peminat kpop tp sbb culture difference ni mmg benda biasa... kalau korg keje mcm aku yg everyday communicate n jmp org2 luar msia ni, korg akan anggap culture difference sbb benda biasa yg hari2 pun kna face... tp mcm mn kita handle itu yg membezakan...
Almost 3 thn keje kat sini, aku dh byk jmp mcm2 org dr mcm2 negara... mat saleh, japanese, korean, chinese, indian, french, filipino, americans, Germans, singaporean, thai, hongkong n byk lg... hah... semua tu aku dh pnah jmp... ada yg rapat, ada yg jd colleague aje...
Mcm2 culture difference yg aku jmp... biasala... aku muslimah yg berhijab... byk soalan n byk jugak ujian dorg utk tgk ketaatan aku pd Allah... alhamdulillah, Allah masih lindungi aku...
ni aku senaraikan antara culture difference yg aku pnah went tru :
1) plg obvious adalah time makan bila kita travel obersea... aku mmg akan mkn ikan, sayur, seafood, telur je... so mmg sentiasa jd soalan apa yg boleh n xboleh... n why bila kat msia, aku mkn daging n kat oversea x?
Aku akan explain kt dorg psl proses sembelih n mknn2 yg aku boleh mkn... pnah je collegue aku soh aku mkn kerbau yg x sembelih sbb dia igt muslim x boleh mkn babi je... aku tolak dgn baik but he started to pujuk me... n dia pujuk aku dgn cr yg ckup lembut... mmg boleh cair beb! Tp aku bertegas ckp aku xboleh mkn... biarlah aku mkn seafud je...
esoknya, dia offer aku udang dlm lunch box dia sbb dia risau aku xckup mkn sbb aku ada limitation utk mkn while dorg boleh mkn daging n apa2 ja pun... dia paham la kan?
2) aku pnah hampir dipeluk mat saleh german sbb dia rs itu cr dia say gudbye to aku... few months dia rapat dgn aku sbb keje, so bila time dia nk balik, dia nk say gudbye n as sign of appreciation... tp aku explain ckp muslimah cant be hugged mcm tu oleh org biasa... family member yg rapat je boleh...
3) last ramadhan.. aku perform audit time puasa... aku jmp mat saleh yg mmg byk persoal psl solat n puasa aku... sbb dia xpercaya agama... dia selamba je minum dpn aku sdgkan dia tau aku puasa... aku buat x tau sbb mmg tu mende biasa kan? Dia siap perli aku bila tgk signboard msia buat kempen *save the hunger*... 'save the hunger? Zulia pun xmkn...' belum lg soalan, 'xnampak pun tuhan kamu yg kamu sembah tu?' Mmg boleh buat kita rs nk kasi penendang time tu jugak... tp islam ajar kita utk bersabar... then, aku explain baik2 why kita kna puasa... n ckp kat dia.. "Allah is our creator... imagine kalu bos u kat opis.. u mesti keje baik2, xcuri tulang... tp kalau bos u outstation, u belum tentu bt keje baik2... so sma la.. Allah nk uji kita if kita ni taat atau x.." so dia diam...
4) another fav question, why other muslims boleh je minum arak, mkn daging, no need to wear scarf? Hah, aku mmg selamba akan ckp, Allah asked us to do... if they dont, so it is their fault.. they wanna commit sin, but I dont... not everybody will follow just like u dont wanna follow the school rule... nasib la sapa2 yg terasa... but do u hv any better idea ke nk reply soalan ni?
5) ada mamat phillipines ni yg aku kenal agak lama sbb dia slalu dtg opis aku kat penang... n recently, kitorg g shanghai sesama sbb keje... dia ajak aku g pub... aku tolak dgn baik n ckp aku muslim, xboleh g tpt2 mcm tu... tp dia still memujuk n basically dia ni mmg sgt pandai memujuk... u dont hv to drink (alcohol), u can hv coke.. we wont do anything else.. we just go inside, have some drinks just to see the environment... n I promise u, I will send u back to ur room afterwards... dlm ati ni, mmg ada la rs nk tgk... kat msia mmg xble la kn? nnti xpsl jd viral... tp gila ke? aku pkai hijab... n tnya balik pd diri sendiri, kenapa aku pkai hijab... so aku refuse utk g pub tu...
6) ada jugak yg ajak aku minum alkohol... sbb dorg ckp, muslim turki byk yg minum alkohol... then, mmg aku ckp la yg turki tu byk pesong dah... islam mmg prohibittedkan alkohol... to sapa yg minum tu berdosa!
7) another trip g shanghai, this time bertemankan lelaki melayu malaysia..
Him : "zulia, awak perasan x, ramai yg tgk awk semacam?"
Me : eh, x perasan pulak... apa yg xkena?
him : dorg semua tgk tudung awk... dorg rs pelik agaknya tgk awk pkai tudung... apa yg pelik sgt, xtaula...
so, aku senyum je... pelik atau x, ini maruah...
8) still cerita psl jln2 dgn malay guy kat shanghai td... sbb dia ni sgt cerewet n aku dh penat nk jln... aku biar je dia masuk dlm kedai pilih brg sendiri n aku duduk kt bangku tepi kedai... tetiba, amoi jual brg tu dtg :
Her : why r u wearing this? (Tunjuk tudung)
Me : bcoz im a muslim
Her : oh, is he the halal one for u? (Tunjuk member aku dlm kedai)*time ni aku mmg x dpt capture apa amoi tu ckp... sbb slang dia mmg susah nk paham.. 3 kali amoi tu tnya soklan sma yg aku mmg xpaham..*
him : zulia, dia tnya, sy ni halal utk awk ke? *Member aku yg dlm kedai translate...*
me : *muka merah sbb malu dgn member tu* erk, no... he is not...
her : he is not ur husband?
Me : *muka merah lagi* no, he is not my husband... we r not husband n wife...
her : I thought muslim ladies wont go out with any guy except dia husband?
Me : yes, it is true... but we r here to work... not for holiday..
her : oh... I understand...
time ni mmg rs hijab mmg protect maruah.. smp org non muslim pun pikir benda baik2 psl aku... igt kluar dgn husband padahal collegue aje...
so, kesimpulannya, xyahla nk blame kpop sgt sbb culture difference tu menda biasa... kita sbg muslimah kna tegas dgn pendirian kita... dugaan itu mmg ada,,, tp lg byk culture kita jumpa, lg matang kita...
N udah2 la blame budak pompuan tu... aku mmg mrh sbb dia bt mcm tu sbb dia menjatuhkan maruah org2 yg pakai tudung... tp she is not the only one to be blamed... di soping complex, drama melayu, lg teruk dr tu pun ada... kenapa kita butakan mata?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Saturday, May 3, 2014
I Dont Want to Be a 10As Student....
Bila terbaca luahan hati Akira Wong, saya totally agree with him!!!
Why I regret getting Straight A1 in SPM
Written by Akira Wong, first published on his personal blogI nearly killed myself in high school for getting a straight A1 in high school. I nearly committed suicide just because of the stress and conflicts I had to go through to secure 16 A1 in SPM. Yeah, I got myself a 16A1 recognition. I was awarded a scholarship from JPA, and is currently studying in Intec and is going to further my study in US. However, it is because of this education experience and the people who I meet around in Intec that I gradually opened my eyes and have a clearer view on what I truly lost throughout the struggle to acquire straight 16A1 in SPM.
=>Back in 2010, yes I almost killed myself becoz I was not able to withstand the stress of being an engineer in that stupid company... It was not my choice... but I have to be responsible for the life decision made by someone else....
1. I lost friends and family
In the end you will find that friends and family are things that you can’t replaced with money and fame. The high school memories you spent with your family and friends are valuable cause these are memories that you created when you were still a teen, and you will never ever had a second chance to be a teen again. Much of my high school time were spent in studying and tuition. In the end, when I graduated from my high school, or even my current college, I was wondering: where are my memories?
=>At least, I have few memories with my frens... mayb bcoz we are not straight A1s, so we did some naughty things also... so, xla regret sgt!
2. Lack of sleep.
This is really true. When people keep looking at you shining glamorous as the “16A1″, you yourself know the best that it was paid with real hard works. Unless you are a genius, a good result has to be achieved through hard work; it’s the absolute. During the SPM I had a serious sleep deprivation and I forced myself to revise my works starting from 3 a.m. I have an average 3 hours of tuition per day, and subtracting my school time which is 7 hours per day, I had only 14 hours to do all my other things. Homework is directly proportional to the number of subjects that you took, so does the time you need to spend for revision. With the extra curricular activities coming into the schedule, my average sleeping time per day is 3-5 hours.
=>i owez had enough sleep... 11pm until 6.00am... at that time, i did not have any gadget to keep me awake... no laptop, no tablet... only handphone n my old walkman (the present I got from my parents for getting 5As in UPSR!)... I agree with him, I did sacrificed a lot of things just to get the 10As! tuitions, homeworks, extra classes...
3. When A1 becomes just the average.
You will have no idea how easy it is to achieve A1 in SPM. One of my friends who almost did not study his Sejarah yet can still get an A2 in his SPM. The number of students having straight A1 is overflowing throughout the Malaysia, and you might be thinking just like me: having more A1 will make you stand out among your peers more. I can tell you the truth that, YES, but TEMPORARILY. When you go to college you will find out that there are more students who are BETTER than you even if their SPM has a Fail in Moral or C in Bahasa or D in Physics. They are very specialized in subjects that they truly love. They are very passionate in their own interested subject. Only when you are in the college, you will realize that, despite all the large numbers of A1 that you have in your hand, you are just AVERAGE.
=>yes, i never studied my BM, but I got A1 for my BM...I never had problems with maths,add maths n prinsip akaun bcoz I luv numbers!!! yes, in engineering also I can play with numbers... but did I ever mentioned that I want to study electrical, mechanical, potential energy, newton's law, boyle's law??? how am i going to be a gud engineer when I hate those theory???
4. Mediocre talents.
High school is supposed to be a place where you can try out new things in your life, discover what you are loving or passionate in, and nurture these discovered traits. It is a protected area where you are allowed to explore, make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. It is the foundation for you to start discovering who you are and what you are good at. When I am at college, A LOT of my friends have their own talents. They play musical instruments; they take stunning pictures, they are good at socializing, things that you can’t learn if you are just confining yourself surrounded with books and books in your own room.
=>at least, I can still do stitching and knitting...
5. You forgot what you have learnt
I can’t denied that it is a good way for me to expose to things that I might not have chance to study, for instance economic and commerce study. It is a really great experience to learn things beyond your stream. But when I am in college I forgot almost most of the things that I have learnt in high school. If you calculate it you find that it isn’t really a good deal compared to what you had lost. The reason is that SPM is so examination-based that you, in spite of how passionate you are in your subject, will subconsciously study for the exam. With this attitude you tend to forget what you have learnt the moment the exam is over. I am still passionate in business study, but how many OSKIC you can join when you need to focus on 16 subjects and promise to your teachers that you can get them all A1?
=>with 120 IQ level, I have a good memory... That is why i can remember most of the things that I hv learned in my high skul... But I have no passion to most of the thing...
6. All and all, nobody really cares.
Wake up! Nobody cares how many A1 you will have in your certs. JPA or Bank Nengara or Petronas might have a glimpse on it, but in the end, nobody will be amazed by your certs. Ask your future boss and he won’t really care a shit about it. It will be a past. In the end it is what who you are that shines to the others: your characters, your personality, your experience! A1 is not worth the price if you lost all these.
=>this is totally right! our parents can proudly say that they have a daughter/son with 10As... but for me, I am just a loser... A loser who can even stand for her right! -so stupid of me-
But wait! I need straight A1 to get scholarship!
It could be true. Some families are in dire needs to have a scholarship to provide their children a tertiary education. But trust me, JPA is not the only way to have the scholarship. Opportunities are everywhere. If you have the character, the personality, the experience and the courage to try things out and explore the possibilities that you can have beyond JPA and SPM, you will realize that, you can still success without a scholarship. I know friends who can get admitted to top university in US without a JPA scholarship (cause he doesn’t have straight A1 in his SPM).
=>It is true.. I have a lot of frens that studied in Australia eventhough she was not a 10As student.
So now, what should I do?
Nothing is too late. As for me, I realized this very truth when I am exposed to more people around me. I began to pick up interests and nurture them. I became more extrovert and socialize more when I am in college. I am not afraid to try things new, even if it means things that are embarrassing. I read more as compared to my high school time. I am not saying that study is not important; I am just saying that knowing that what you really want in your life and who you are eventually is so much more important than just the numbers of A1 in your certs. (now they are having A+ instead of A1, but it’s still the same principle). Look further, my friends. My result is truly average now, but hey! The points and prides in my resume have tripled.
=>I will not have a chance to be an accountant... but one day, I will definitely say gudbye to engineering...
Written with full of my heart....
Kisah Seorang Zulia
Saturday, January 18, 2014
If I Can Turn Back the Time...
Obviously, we cannot turn back the time la kan?
But, if we can turn back the time, apa yg kita nk ubah?
I have few things yg I nak ubah :
1) I nak balik ke hari I received PE*R*N*S scholarships' offer... Sy nk koyak surat tu kecik2 n baling ke udara... biar hancur... So that I dont have to study engineering... That was the biggest I ever done, study engineering!
2) Sy nak balik ke zaman sekolah... sy x nk stadi hard... sy jugak x nk buang masa involve dlm any co-cu... sbb akhirnya, sy x dpt pun nk capai cita2 sy nk jadi akauntan! lg baik xyah put lots of effort dr awal kan?
3) Sy xnk kenal dgn dia... i dont wanna hv any relationship dgn dia... so that, i wont be hurt!
Kisah Seorang Zulia
Monday, December 9, 2013
Soulmates... A gift from Allah...
Salam readers....
Hmm... lama sgt blog ni xberupdate... empunya blog terlalu bz mengejar duniawi... hmmm... smp lupa yg aku dh lama x memanjakan diri sendiri...
Pg td aku g jmp doc sbb aku demam n sakit kepala... kata doc, aku stress... ye, aku stress keje... tlalu byk masalah smp kdg2 aku rs x mampu! bila down je, aku terus teringat pd someone...someone from my past... hmmm...
quote kat bwh ni aku amik from FB... hmmm teringat pd dia... adekah dia soulmate aku?
Ni aku amik dr blog Dr. Carman Harra psl 10 elements of a Soulmate...
The 10 Elements of a Soulmate:
1. It's something inside. Describing how a soulmate makes you feel is difficult. It's a tenacious, profound and lingering emotion which no words can encompass.
->aku pun x tau nk describe mcm mn... sbb dia lelaki aneh!
2. Flashbacks. If your partner is your soulmate, chances are he or she has been present in your past lives. Soulmates often choose to come back together during the same lifetime and scope each other out in the big world. You might suddenly and briefly experience flashbacks of your soulmate. You might even feel an odd sense of déjà vu, as if the moment in time has already taken place, perhaps a long time ago, perhaps in a different setting.
->hmmm... maybe pnah bumped into him before this because we lived kat tpt yg sma.... mayb x pnah perasan pun sbb dia x ensem! tp takdir temukan kami semula (cewah!)... hahahaha....
3. You just get each other. Ever met two people who finsh each other's sentences? Some people call that spending too much time together, but I call it a soulmate connection. You might experience this with your best friend or your mother, but it is the telltale sign of a soulmate when you experience it with your partner.
->I dont even have to tell him everything... because he will definitely understand what im going to say... he knows me better than my family...
4. You fall in love with his (or her) flaws. No relationship is perfect, and even soulmate relationships will experience ups and downs. Still, that bond will be much harder to break. Soulmates have an easier time of accepting, even learning to love, each other's imperfections. Your relationship is more likely to be a soulmate match if you both love each other exactly as you each are, accepting both the great and awful tendencies we all have.
->dia pendek, xensem, perfectionist, xromantik, x kelakar, x putih melepak... tp sy still sanggup kawan dgn dia!!!! xtau la nape sy ni mcm buta tuli je...
5. It's intense. A soulmate relationship may be more intense than normal relationships, in both good and sometimes bad ways. The most important thing is that, even during negative episodes, you're focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond the bad moment.
->everytime sy ada masalah or sy create masalah... dia akan selesaikan... walaupun dia dh warning sy dr awal, n sy yg degil akan ikut kepala sendiri... tp bila ada masalah... dia akan selesaikan utk sy...
6. You two against the world. Soulmates often see their relationship as "us against the world." They feel so linked together that they're ready and willing to take on any feat of life, so long as they have their soulmate by their side. Soulmate relationships are founded on compromise and unity above all else.
->years back, sy just ada dia utk mengadu... at the time when i have no one in this world, dia sentiasa ada utk sy... dia sanggup korbankan apa sj utk tgk sy senyum...
7. You're mentally inseparable. Soulmates often have a mental connection similar to twins. They might pick up the phone to call each other at the exact same time. Though life may keep you apart at times, your minds will always be in tune if you are soulmates.
->sy mimpi dia eksiden, esoknya, sy dpt call yg dia betul2 eksiden... sy mimpi dia dtg pd sy n dia peluk sy kuat2.. esoknya, dia ckp dia rindu sy sgt2... hmmm... setiap kali my heart berdegup kuat, sy tau dia ada dekat dgn sy... gerak hati sy sentiasa tepat utk bila berkaitan dgn dia... i know that u were there when I was in Seremban... maybe u sembunyi kat mn2 when u see me with my colleague... n mayb u dont wanna make me cry again... i didnt see u, but i know u were there... i terus ajak my colleague kuar dr situ sbb I know u were there...
8. You feel secure and protected. Regardless of the gender of your partner, he or she should always make you feel secure and protected. This means that if you're a man, yes, your woman should make you feel protected, too! Your soulmate will make you feel like you have a guardian angel by your side. A person who plays on your insecurities, whether consciously or subconsciously, is not your soulmate.
-> dia sentiasa buat sy rs selamat... dia sentiasa pastikan sy selamat.. dia slalu selamatkan sy... sy igt mcm mn he saved my life...
9. You can't imagine your life without him (or her). A soulmate is not someone you can walk away from that easily. It is someone you can't imagine being without, a person you believe is worth sticking with and fighting for.
->hmm... dlu sy takut kalau dia xde... n bila dia betul2 xde... sy rs life sy sucks... until today, sy masih x jmp someone yg ble replace dia... after few years dh pun... ms sy kat Shanghai, sy nangis di Huangpu River... Sbb sy igt janji dia nk bw sy pusing Europe!
10. You look each other in the eye. Soulmates have a tendency to look into each other's eyes when speaking more often than ordinary couples. It comes naturally from the deep-seated connection between them. Looking a person in the eye when speaking denotes a high level of comfort and confidence.
-> dia slalu tgk mata sy... sy slalu tgk mata dia... hehehe... dia tau mcm mn nk comfort kan sy... satu2nya manusia yg terlalu paham sy...
he might be my soulmate but he is not my destiny... apa2 pun, sy xpnah lupa doakan dia setiap kali sy selesai bersolat... dia yg terlalu baik... dia yg sentiasa ada bila sy sudah... my problem solver, my strength, my shelter, my friend, my bff...
thanx for everything... u dh tlalu byk mengubah i menjadi insan yg lebey baik... semoga u sentiasa dirahmati Allah... thank you...
Friday, August 9, 2013
A Memorable Trip To Shanghai...
On the 8th April 2013, I went to Shanghai for a business trip... It was a 9 days trip... Training and supplier visits... Oh, sy x nk lagi g trip yg selama itu... i missed malaysia a lot!
That was not my 1st time in Shanghai, I have been there last December...
But this time, I had a great trip as I can spend my weekend there... So, we can go for jalan2 also...
This time, I stayed in Courtyard Marriot Pudong.. Even bangunannya adelah bangunan lama (according to the front desk officer, bangunan ni berusia 40thn!), tp pada sy still okey... xla terlalu mewah mcm Courtyard Marriot Jiading, tp sy lg suka cni sbb sng nk cr mkn... To all muslims, sy suggest korg tgl kat cni sbb ada 2 muslim restaurants within walking distance only... So, sngla nk cr mkn kan?
You may check out for this restaurant... i wrote some review of this restaurant dah!!! yeli xiali, dongfang road, pudong....
You may check out for this restaurant... i wrote some review of this restaurant dah!!! yeli xiali, dongfang road, pudong....
in front of the hotel.... |
toilet n bathroom yg sgt seksi... siyesly, transparent!!! auwww!!! |
the room... smaller if compared to Courtyard Marriot Jiading... |
view from my room... |
another view from my room... |
Me and my colleague spent our weekend in Shanghai... We are so lucky to have this opportunity... Aduh, gembira sungguh dpt g jln2... hahaha...
Our hotel is located near to Central Avenue subway station (lebey krg 15min jalan kaki), we decided to take the subway only... Subway kat cni sgt murah... utk 1 trip just RMB3 (lebey krg RM1.50)... selagi korg x tukar train, selagi tula harga train tu RMB3... xkisah brp station yg korg berenti... Tp once dah naik train lain, korg kna la byr lagi RMB3... Me and Suffian decided utk amik one day pass yg membolehkan kitorg naik train utk semua Metro Line unlimited for 24 hrs... Just RMB18 (lebey krg RM9.00) per person...
Subway kat sini sgt efficient, 3 minit one train... so, korg xyah la tgu lama2 kan? Kat sini ada lebey kurang 15 Metro Line... so pastikan korg amik line yg betul n korg tau kat mn nk tukar train... Kalau takut sesat, bawa peta sekali... Kat Shanghai ni, susah nk cr org yg boleh speak English tau! Kalau korg pandai cakap Mandarin, xpela...
Let c the places that we have been within that 2 days...
Shanghai Science And Technology Park
Jujurnya, kitorg x masuk kat dalam pun... hahaha... mahal sgt la tiket nk masuk... so, kitorg just amik gambar je... Actually, di sini ada mcm2 exhibition tentang perkembangan science dr zaman dulu smpla future science. hmmmm... menarik kan?
Century Park
Dengan bayaran RMB10 (RM5), kita boleh melawat seluruh Century Park yg cantek nih...
Tempat ni mcm taman bunga... sesuai utk bw family berkelah di hujung minggu... ada jugak theme park walaupun agak simple... tp that one, kna byr la... aku x berminat pun nk g theme park tu sbb biasa je... dh tua2 ni, lg berminat utk jalan2 menikmati keindahan alam... Utk dating pun, tpt ni sgt sesuai sbb tpt ni cantik... penuh dgn bunga2 yg santek!!! bg sesapa yg sukakan fotografi, Century Park adalah tempat yg wajib dilawati! n recommended jugak utk sape2 yg pergi honeymoon... hahahaha... mayb x seromantik HuangPu River, tp still memorable la... :-)
Tgkla jam bunga nih... sgt menarik kan? bila nampak je Jam Bunga nih, aku berlari mcm budak kecik... sibuk nk amik gbr smp member aku geleng kepala... terpaksa melayan! hahahaha...
aku teringin giler nk naik jambatan kt blkg tu, tp x kesampaian sbb dh x mampu nk berjalan... huhuhuhu... |
HuangPu River Cruise
Hmmm... Sejak kecik, aku mmg suka mende2 yg colourful... sbb tu kalau tgk nota aku ms sekolah, mmg colourful abis... hmm.. so, bila smp je kat Huang Pu river ni, mmg aku terpaku terus... Ya Allah, cantiknya!!! lampu2 LED yg dipasang pada bangunan, mmg cantik sgt!!!
tp perjalanan nk ke Huangpu River ni agak memenatkan... sakit jugak kaki ni nk berjalan... jauh jugak dr Metro Station...
kat sini ada perkhidmatan cruise dan ferry... cruise agak mahal (around RM70 camtu) tp ferry sgt murah (RMB2 je)... so, kitorg naik ferry je... ferry just go along Huang Pu river selama 15 minit camtu, memberi peluang utk kita tgk pemandangan bangunan yg dipenuhi kerlipan lampu LED yg sgt cantek!!!
utk sesapa yg bercadang nk honeymoon di Shanghai, Huang Pu River adalah tempat yg wajib anda kunjungi!!! sbb suasana kat sini sgtlah romantik!!! x heranlah kalau byk couple2 yg berdating kat sini... hmmm... suasana malam yg diterangi lampu2 LED, alahai... romantik sgt!!! sbb romantik sgtlah, ada air mata yg menitis di atas ferry sbb rindu kat org di Malaysia... hmmm... teringat janji org tu nk pusing2 Europe together... hmmm... janji tinggal janji!!!
kat sini ada perkhidmatan cruise dan ferry... cruise agak mahal (around RM70 camtu) tp ferry sgt murah (RMB2 je)... so, kitorg naik ferry je... ferry just go along Huang Pu river selama 15 minit camtu, memberi peluang utk kita tgk pemandangan bangunan yg dipenuhi kerlipan lampu LED yg sgt cantek!!!
utk sesapa yg bercadang nk honeymoon di Shanghai, Huang Pu River adalah tempat yg wajib anda kunjungi!!! sbb suasana kat sini sgtlah romantik!!! x heranlah kalau byk couple2 yg berdating kat sini... hmmm... suasana malam yg diterangi lampu2 LED, alahai... romantik sgt!!! sbb romantik sgtlah, ada air mata yg menitis di atas ferry sbb rindu kat org di Malaysia... hmmm... teringat janji org tu nk pusing2 Europe together... hmmm... janji tinggal janji!!!
mula2, igt dh sesat sbb x jmp pun HuangPu river... upa2nya, blkg garden ni je... hmmm... |
lampu2 LED yg sgt menarik.. |
cruise yg sgt cantek!!! |
riding the ferry... |
Kalau Malaysia terkenal dgn PETRONAS Twin Tower, Shanghai ade Oriental Pearl Tower... |
The Bund.. Can u c the Oriental Pearl Tower??? |
Fake Market
Ni adalah tempat yang kami lawat berkali2!!! If Im not mistaken, 3 kali kot... Barang2 kat sini, mmg murah2 kalau kita pandai bargain! okla jugak! tp quality mmg hmm... paham2 jelah... brg fake kan?
dlm ni ada beratus kedai... smp lenguh la kaki berjalan... mcm2 brg yg kita boleh dapat... dr baju, jeans, kain pasang, selendang, belt, purse, wallet n mcm2 lagik... huh, mmg penat berjalan la... harga kat sini mostly lebey kurang je... tp better survey dlu b4 beli sbb kdg2 ada kedai yg lbey murah... hmmm...
most peniaga kat cni, can speak broken English.. jgn x tau, ade jugak yg faham bahasa melayu! so, jgn la korg igt dorg ni xpaham bahasa melayu! me n my colleague almost kantoi! tp nasib baik x sempat nk ckp, mamat peniaga tu dh ckp melayu... so, kitorg terus x jd ckp melayu sesama sendiri... hahahaha...
Antara tips yg berguna ketika bargain kat sini :
1) kt sini boleh bargain smp 1/6 dr harga asal... hmmm... agak betul... coz I bought the 'talking tom' dgn RMB40 while actually harga asal adalah RMB240! huh, mmg kejam peniaga2 kat sni!!!! Tips ni dr Tina, one of my supplier rep kat Shanghai...
2) Kalau peniaga tu xnk turunkan harga mcm yg korg nk, korg pura2 blah! konfem dorg akan menjerit2 panggil korang masuk balik! hahaha.... klu dia buat bodoh tu, maksudnya mmg harga yg korg nk tu mmg not reasonable... xpe, korang g je kedai lain... n bargain lagi skali!! hahaha...
3) If korg g in group, better beli dr kedai yg sma (if korg nk beli brg yg sma la)... sbb harga akan diturunkan mengikut kuantiti yg korg beli!!
Nanjing Road
Hahaha... Actually, aku nk g South Bound Fabric Market... konon nk beli kain buat baju raya... tp smp ke sudah, kitorg x jmp mall tu... last2 sesat g nanjing road...
bunga yg sgt cantek... kagum! |
ade art exhibition kat cni... |
bunga kat blkg tu sgt cantek!!! |
kami saja yg tau kenapa kami amik gbr kat sni... hahahaha... |
menara jam Shanghai yg femes.... |
muzium Shanghai... |
Yuyuan Garden...
Ni 1 lg syurga utk perempuan bershopping!!! aduh... mmg rambang mata...
Mulanya aku just nk tgk bangunan yg melambangkan tradition org China... tp end up with memborong mcm2 mende terutamnya shawls.. shawls kat cni murah2... 1/4 price from Malaysia ok??? so, dh kompem2 la aku borong sakan!!!
Mcm2 yg kita boleh dpt kat sini terutamanya pakaian!!! my colleague asked me utk pilih barang2 for his family... hahaha... aku pun sibuk la try shawl yg cantek2 tu... last2, dia x beli pun... aku yg beli sbb semuanya cantek2!!! hahahaha...
kat cni, aku terjumpa dengan org dr Kedutaan Malaysia... time tu aku tgh belek2 keychain chumil2 yg dijual kat tepi jalan tu while my colleague g toilet... Aku terdengar dorg bercakap dalam B.Malaysia, so aku pun senyum jelah...
Abang Kedutaan : awak orang Malaysia ke?
Aku : Dalam hati, "aku ni nampak mcm muka Indon ke?" tp sbg rakyat Malaysia yang kaya dengan budi bahasa, aku senyum mengangguk jelah... lgpun, rindu dgn orang Malaysia kan?
Abg Kedutaan : sorang je ke? buat ape kat sni?
Aku : eh, tak! dengan kawan. *kebetulan time tu my colleague dh datang semula* ni ofismate saya... kitorg dr Penang...
Abg Kedutaan : ok, jg diri baik2 tau...
Aku : *senyum tak perlu kata apa2*
hasil tangkapan di hari kedua!!!gilos!!!! |
hmmm... Kenangan yg menarik bila me n my colleague berjumpa dgn Chinese Malaysia kat subway station.. Mulanya, aku igt dia adalah kawan lama kpd my colleague... Upa2nya, dia pun xkenal... lelaki tu tegur dia sbb terdengar kitorg bertekak dlm bahasa Malaysia n mungkin juga sbb tudung yg aku pakai yg kompem2 melambangkan aku gadis malaysia!
Seronok dia dapat berborak dengan kitorg walaupun sekejap... bercerita yg dia sudah 5 thn menetap di Shanghai malah sudah pun berkahwin dengan wanita Shanghai sekaligus membina keluarganya di sini... sempat dia bercerita tentang politik sbb time tu tgh demam PRU13 kat Malaysia... Dr cara dia berbual dengan kami, aku dpt rs yg dia sebenarnya rindukan Malaysia... rindu nk bertutur dalam bahasa melayu... nampak wajahnya gembira sgt bertemu dengan orang Malaysia di tengah2 bandar Shanghai!
ya, aku faham perasaan tu... br 9 hari kat Shanghai, aku dh rindu sambal belacan... ari2 pun bisng nk makan sambal belacan... smp colleague aku ckp, "sy ada bw cili padi kalau awak nk!" sbb dh x thn aku asik ngomel nk mkn sambal belacan! hahaha... sushi, sashimi, kambing panggang, sliced salmon semua pun aku dh xpandang!! aku mahu sambal belacan, laksam, sambal tumis, roti canai, nasi lemak!!! smpkan turun ja dr flight, aku terus singgah makan nasi dgn sambal belacan dgn ikan bawal goreng!
kata orang, hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri... tapi lebih baik negeri sendiri...
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kpop... salah siapa?
Salam readers...
kecoh mgu ni dgn kes kpop... haish penat nk bc... mcm2 citer yg ble dgr... tetiba ada pulak yg bercerita pengalaman blaja kat korea la apala... haish... bdk pompuan tu mmg la jg mangsa kutukan yg rsnya dia mmg boleh dpt byk pahala free spjg mgu ni...
Pendapat aku, ni hanyalah issue culture difference.. so xyahla nk kutuk kpop tu sgt... bkn sbb aku peminat kpop tp sbb culture difference ni mmg benda biasa... kalau korg keje mcm aku yg everyday communicate n jmp org2 luar msia ni, korg akan anggap culture difference sbb benda biasa yg hari2 pun kna face... tp mcm mn kita handle itu yg membezakan...
Almost 3 thn keje kat sini, aku dh byk jmp mcm2 org dr mcm2 negara... mat saleh, japanese, korean, chinese, indian, french, filipino, americans, Germans, singaporean, thai, hongkong n byk lg... hah... semua tu aku dh pnah jmp... ada yg rapat, ada yg jd colleague aje...
Mcm2 culture difference yg aku jmp... biasala... aku muslimah yg berhijab... byk soalan n byk jugak ujian dorg utk tgk ketaatan aku pd Allah... alhamdulillah, Allah masih lindungi aku...
ni aku senaraikan antara culture difference yg aku pnah went tru :
1) plg obvious adalah time makan bila kita travel obersea... aku mmg akan mkn ikan, sayur, seafood, telur je... so mmg sentiasa jd soalan apa yg boleh n xboleh... n why bila kat msia, aku mkn daging n kat oversea x?
Aku akan explain kt dorg psl proses sembelih n mknn2 yg aku boleh mkn... pnah je collegue aku soh aku mkn kerbau yg x sembelih sbb dia igt muslim x boleh mkn babi je... aku tolak dgn baik but he started to pujuk me... n dia pujuk aku dgn cr yg ckup lembut... mmg boleh cair beb! Tp aku bertegas ckp aku xboleh mkn... biarlah aku mkn seafud je...
esoknya, dia offer aku udang dlm lunch box dia sbb dia risau aku xckup mkn sbb aku ada limitation utk mkn while dorg boleh mkn daging n apa2 ja pun... dia paham la kan?
2) aku pnah hampir dipeluk mat saleh german sbb dia rs itu cr dia say gudbye to aku... few months dia rapat dgn aku sbb keje, so bila time dia nk balik, dia nk say gudbye n as sign of appreciation... tp aku explain ckp muslimah cant be hugged mcm tu oleh org biasa... family member yg rapat je boleh...
3) last ramadhan.. aku perform audit time puasa... aku jmp mat saleh yg mmg byk persoal psl solat n puasa aku... sbb dia xpercaya agama... dia selamba je minum dpn aku sdgkan dia tau aku puasa... aku buat x tau sbb mmg tu mende biasa kan? Dia siap perli aku bila tgk signboard msia buat kempen *save the hunger*... 'save the hunger? Zulia pun xmkn...' belum lg soalan, 'xnampak pun tuhan kamu yg kamu sembah tu?' Mmg boleh buat kita rs nk kasi penendang time tu jugak... tp islam ajar kita utk bersabar... then, aku explain baik2 why kita kna puasa... n ckp kat dia.. "Allah is our creator... imagine kalu bos u kat opis.. u mesti keje baik2, xcuri tulang... tp kalau bos u outstation, u belum tentu bt keje baik2... so sma la.. Allah nk uji kita if kita ni taat atau x.." so dia diam...
4) another fav question, why other muslims boleh je minum arak, mkn daging, no need to wear scarf? Hah, aku mmg selamba akan ckp, Allah asked us to do... if they dont, so it is their fault.. they wanna commit sin, but I dont... not everybody will follow just like u dont wanna follow the school rule... nasib la sapa2 yg terasa... but do u hv any better idea ke nk reply soalan ni?
5) ada mamat phillipines ni yg aku kenal agak lama sbb dia slalu dtg opis aku kat penang... n recently, kitorg g shanghai sesama sbb keje... dia ajak aku g pub... aku tolak dgn baik n ckp aku muslim, xboleh g tpt2 mcm tu... tp dia still memujuk n basically dia ni mmg sgt pandai memujuk... u dont hv to drink (alcohol), u can hv coke.. we wont do anything else.. we just go inside, have some drinks just to see the environment... n I promise u, I will send u back to ur room afterwards... dlm ati ni, mmg ada la rs nk tgk... kat msia mmg xble la kn? nnti xpsl jd viral... tp gila ke? aku pkai hijab... n tnya balik pd diri sendiri, kenapa aku pkai hijab... so aku refuse utk g pub tu...
6) ada jugak yg ajak aku minum alkohol... sbb dorg ckp, muslim turki byk yg minum alkohol... then, mmg aku ckp la yg turki tu byk pesong dah... islam mmg prohibittedkan alkohol... to sapa yg minum tu berdosa!
7) another trip g shanghai, this time bertemankan lelaki melayu malaysia..
Him : "zulia, awak perasan x, ramai yg tgk awk semacam?"
Me : eh, x perasan pulak... apa yg xkena?
him : dorg semua tgk tudung awk... dorg rs pelik agaknya tgk awk pkai tudung... apa yg pelik sgt, xtaula...
so, aku senyum je... pelik atau x, ini maruah...
8) still cerita psl jln2 dgn malay guy kat shanghai td... sbb dia ni sgt cerewet n aku dh penat nk jln... aku biar je dia masuk dlm kedai pilih brg sendiri n aku duduk kt bangku tepi kedai... tetiba, amoi jual brg tu dtg :
Her : why r u wearing this? (Tunjuk tudung)
Me : bcoz im a muslim
Her : oh, is he the halal one for u? (Tunjuk member aku dlm kedai)*time ni aku mmg x dpt capture apa amoi tu ckp... sbb slang dia mmg susah nk paham.. 3 kali amoi tu tnya soklan sma yg aku mmg xpaham..*
him : zulia, dia tnya, sy ni halal utk awk ke? *Member aku yg dlm kedai translate...*
me : *muka merah sbb malu dgn member tu* erk, no... he is not...
her : he is not ur husband?
Me : *muka merah lagi* no, he is not my husband... we r not husband n wife...
her : I thought muslim ladies wont go out with any guy except dia husband?
Me : yes, it is true... but we r here to work... not for holiday..
her : oh... I understand...
time ni mmg rs hijab mmg protect maruah.. smp org non muslim pun pikir benda baik2 psl aku... igt kluar dgn husband padahal collegue aje...
so, kesimpulannya, xyahla nk blame kpop sgt sbb culture difference tu menda biasa... kita sbg muslimah kna tegas dgn pendirian kita... dugaan itu mmg ada,,, tp lg byk culture kita jumpa, lg matang kita...
N udah2 la blame budak pompuan tu... aku mmg mrh sbb dia bt mcm tu sbb dia menjatuhkan maruah org2 yg pakai tudung... tp she is not the only one to be blamed... di soping complex, drama melayu, lg teruk dr tu pun ada... kenapa kita butakan mata?
kecoh mgu ni dgn kes kpop... haish penat nk bc... mcm2 citer yg ble dgr... tetiba ada pulak yg bercerita pengalaman blaja kat korea la apala... haish... bdk pompuan tu mmg la jg mangsa kutukan yg rsnya dia mmg boleh dpt byk pahala free spjg mgu ni...
Pendapat aku, ni hanyalah issue culture difference.. so xyahla nk kutuk kpop tu sgt... bkn sbb aku peminat kpop tp sbb culture difference ni mmg benda biasa... kalau korg keje mcm aku yg everyday communicate n jmp org2 luar msia ni, korg akan anggap culture difference sbb benda biasa yg hari2 pun kna face... tp mcm mn kita handle itu yg membezakan...
Almost 3 thn keje kat sini, aku dh byk jmp mcm2 org dr mcm2 negara... mat saleh, japanese, korean, chinese, indian, french, filipino, americans, Germans, singaporean, thai, hongkong n byk lg... hah... semua tu aku dh pnah jmp... ada yg rapat, ada yg jd colleague aje...
Mcm2 culture difference yg aku jmp... biasala... aku muslimah yg berhijab... byk soalan n byk jugak ujian dorg utk tgk ketaatan aku pd Allah... alhamdulillah, Allah masih lindungi aku...
ni aku senaraikan antara culture difference yg aku pnah went tru :
1) plg obvious adalah time makan bila kita travel obersea... aku mmg akan mkn ikan, sayur, seafood, telur je... so mmg sentiasa jd soalan apa yg boleh n xboleh... n why bila kat msia, aku mkn daging n kat oversea x?
Aku akan explain kt dorg psl proses sembelih n mknn2 yg aku boleh mkn... pnah je collegue aku soh aku mkn kerbau yg x sembelih sbb dia igt muslim x boleh mkn babi je... aku tolak dgn baik but he started to pujuk me... n dia pujuk aku dgn cr yg ckup lembut... mmg boleh cair beb! Tp aku bertegas ckp aku xboleh mkn... biarlah aku mkn seafud je...
esoknya, dia offer aku udang dlm lunch box dia sbb dia risau aku xckup mkn sbb aku ada limitation utk mkn while dorg boleh mkn daging n apa2 ja pun... dia paham la kan?
2) aku pnah hampir dipeluk mat saleh german sbb dia rs itu cr dia say gudbye to aku... few months dia rapat dgn aku sbb keje, so bila time dia nk balik, dia nk say gudbye n as sign of appreciation... tp aku explain ckp muslimah cant be hugged mcm tu oleh org biasa... family member yg rapat je boleh...
3) last ramadhan.. aku perform audit time puasa... aku jmp mat saleh yg mmg byk persoal psl solat n puasa aku... sbb dia xpercaya agama... dia selamba je minum dpn aku sdgkan dia tau aku puasa... aku buat x tau sbb mmg tu mende biasa kan? Dia siap perli aku bila tgk signboard msia buat kempen *save the hunger*... 'save the hunger? Zulia pun xmkn...' belum lg soalan, 'xnampak pun tuhan kamu yg kamu sembah tu?' Mmg boleh buat kita rs nk kasi penendang time tu jugak... tp islam ajar kita utk bersabar... then, aku explain baik2 why kita kna puasa... n ckp kat dia.. "Allah is our creator... imagine kalu bos u kat opis.. u mesti keje baik2, xcuri tulang... tp kalau bos u outstation, u belum tentu bt keje baik2... so sma la.. Allah nk uji kita if kita ni taat atau x.." so dia diam...
4) another fav question, why other muslims boleh je minum arak, mkn daging, no need to wear scarf? Hah, aku mmg selamba akan ckp, Allah asked us to do... if they dont, so it is their fault.. they wanna commit sin, but I dont... not everybody will follow just like u dont wanna follow the school rule... nasib la sapa2 yg terasa... but do u hv any better idea ke nk reply soalan ni?
5) ada mamat phillipines ni yg aku kenal agak lama sbb dia slalu dtg opis aku kat penang... n recently, kitorg g shanghai sesama sbb keje... dia ajak aku g pub... aku tolak dgn baik n ckp aku muslim, xboleh g tpt2 mcm tu... tp dia still memujuk n basically dia ni mmg sgt pandai memujuk... u dont hv to drink (alcohol), u can hv coke.. we wont do anything else.. we just go inside, have some drinks just to see the environment... n I promise u, I will send u back to ur room afterwards... dlm ati ni, mmg ada la rs nk tgk... kat msia mmg xble la kn? nnti xpsl jd viral... tp gila ke? aku pkai hijab... n tnya balik pd diri sendiri, kenapa aku pkai hijab... so aku refuse utk g pub tu...
6) ada jugak yg ajak aku minum alkohol... sbb dorg ckp, muslim turki byk yg minum alkohol... then, mmg aku ckp la yg turki tu byk pesong dah... islam mmg prohibittedkan alkohol... to sapa yg minum tu berdosa!
7) another trip g shanghai, this time bertemankan lelaki melayu malaysia..
Him : "zulia, awak perasan x, ramai yg tgk awk semacam?"
Me : eh, x perasan pulak... apa yg xkena?
him : dorg semua tgk tudung awk... dorg rs pelik agaknya tgk awk pkai tudung... apa yg pelik sgt, xtaula...
so, aku senyum je... pelik atau x, ini maruah...
8) still cerita psl jln2 dgn malay guy kat shanghai td... sbb dia ni sgt cerewet n aku dh penat nk jln... aku biar je dia masuk dlm kedai pilih brg sendiri n aku duduk kt bangku tepi kedai... tetiba, amoi jual brg tu dtg :
Her : why r u wearing this? (Tunjuk tudung)
Me : bcoz im a muslim
Her : oh, is he the halal one for u? (Tunjuk member aku dlm kedai)*time ni aku mmg x dpt capture apa amoi tu ckp... sbb slang dia mmg susah nk paham.. 3 kali amoi tu tnya soklan sma yg aku mmg xpaham..*
him : zulia, dia tnya, sy ni halal utk awk ke? *Member aku yg dlm kedai translate...*
me : *muka merah sbb malu dgn member tu* erk, no... he is not...
her : he is not ur husband?
Me : *muka merah lagi* no, he is not my husband... we r not husband n wife...
her : I thought muslim ladies wont go out with any guy except dia husband?
Me : yes, it is true... but we r here to work... not for holiday..
her : oh... I understand...
time ni mmg rs hijab mmg protect maruah.. smp org non muslim pun pikir benda baik2 psl aku... igt kluar dgn husband padahal collegue aje...
so, kesimpulannya, xyahla nk blame kpop sgt sbb culture difference tu menda biasa... kita sbg muslimah kna tegas dgn pendirian kita... dugaan itu mmg ada,,, tp lg byk culture kita jumpa, lg matang kita...
N udah2 la blame budak pompuan tu... aku mmg mrh sbb dia bt mcm tu sbb dia menjatuhkan maruah org2 yg pakai tudung... tp she is not the only one to be blamed... di soping complex, drama melayu, lg teruk dr tu pun ada... kenapa kita butakan mata?
I Dont Want to Be a 10As Student....
Bila terbaca luahan hati Akira Wong, saya totally agree with him!!!
Why I regret getting Straight A1 in SPM
Written by Akira Wong, first published on his personal blogI nearly killed myself in high school for getting a straight A1 in high school. I nearly committed suicide just because of the stress and conflicts I had to go through to secure 16 A1 in SPM. Yeah, I got myself a 16A1 recognition. I was awarded a scholarship from JPA, and is currently studying in Intec and is going to further my study in US. However, it is because of this education experience and the people who I meet around in Intec that I gradually opened my eyes and have a clearer view on what I truly lost throughout the struggle to acquire straight 16A1 in SPM.
=>Back in 2010, yes I almost killed myself becoz I was not able to withstand the stress of being an engineer in that stupid company... It was not my choice... but I have to be responsible for the life decision made by someone else....
1. I lost friends and family
In the end you will find that friends and family are things that you can’t replaced with money and fame. The high school memories you spent with your family and friends are valuable cause these are memories that you created when you were still a teen, and you will never ever had a second chance to be a teen again. Much of my high school time were spent in studying and tuition. In the end, when I graduated from my high school, or even my current college, I was wondering: where are my memories?
=>At least, I have few memories with my frens... mayb bcoz we are not straight A1s, so we did some naughty things also... so, xla regret sgt!
2. Lack of sleep.
This is really true. When people keep looking at you shining glamorous as the “16A1″, you yourself know the best that it was paid with real hard works. Unless you are a genius, a good result has to be achieved through hard work; it’s the absolute. During the SPM I had a serious sleep deprivation and I forced myself to revise my works starting from 3 a.m. I have an average 3 hours of tuition per day, and subtracting my school time which is 7 hours per day, I had only 14 hours to do all my other things. Homework is directly proportional to the number of subjects that you took, so does the time you need to spend for revision. With the extra curricular activities coming into the schedule, my average sleeping time per day is 3-5 hours.
=>i owez had enough sleep... 11pm until 6.00am... at that time, i did not have any gadget to keep me awake... no laptop, no tablet... only handphone n my old walkman (the present I got from my parents for getting 5As in UPSR!)... I agree with him, I did sacrificed a lot of things just to get the 10As! tuitions, homeworks, extra classes...
3. When A1 becomes just the average.
You will have no idea how easy it is to achieve A1 in SPM. One of my friends who almost did not study his Sejarah yet can still get an A2 in his SPM. The number of students having straight A1 is overflowing throughout the Malaysia, and you might be thinking just like me: having more A1 will make you stand out among your peers more. I can tell you the truth that, YES, but TEMPORARILY. When you go to college you will find out that there are more students who are BETTER than you even if their SPM has a Fail in Moral or C in Bahasa or D in Physics. They are very specialized in subjects that they truly love. They are very passionate in their own interested subject. Only when you are in the college, you will realize that, despite all the large numbers of A1 that you have in your hand, you are just AVERAGE.
=>yes, i never studied my BM, but I got A1 for my BM...I never had problems with maths,add maths n prinsip akaun bcoz I luv numbers!!! yes, in engineering also I can play with numbers... but did I ever mentioned that I want to study electrical, mechanical, potential energy, newton's law, boyle's law??? how am i going to be a gud engineer when I hate those theory???
4. Mediocre talents.
High school is supposed to be a place where you can try out new things in your life, discover what you are loving or passionate in, and nurture these discovered traits. It is a protected area where you are allowed to explore, make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. It is the foundation for you to start discovering who you are and what you are good at. When I am at college, A LOT of my friends have their own talents. They play musical instruments; they take stunning pictures, they are good at socializing, things that you can’t learn if you are just confining yourself surrounded with books and books in your own room.
=>at least, I can still do stitching and knitting...
5. You forgot what you have learnt
I can’t denied that it is a good way for me to expose to things that I might not have chance to study, for instance economic and commerce study. It is a really great experience to learn things beyond your stream. But when I am in college I forgot almost most of the things that I have learnt in high school. If you calculate it you find that it isn’t really a good deal compared to what you had lost. The reason is that SPM is so examination-based that you, in spite of how passionate you are in your subject, will subconsciously study for the exam. With this attitude you tend to forget what you have learnt the moment the exam is over. I am still passionate in business study, but how many OSKIC you can join when you need to focus on 16 subjects and promise to your teachers that you can get them all A1?
=>with 120 IQ level, I have a good memory... That is why i can remember most of the things that I hv learned in my high skul... But I have no passion to most of the thing...
6. All and all, nobody really cares.
Wake up! Nobody cares how many A1 you will have in your certs. JPA or Bank Nengara or Petronas might have a glimpse on it, but in the end, nobody will be amazed by your certs. Ask your future boss and he won’t really care a shit about it. It will be a past. In the end it is what who you are that shines to the others: your characters, your personality, your experience! A1 is not worth the price if you lost all these.
=>this is totally right! our parents can proudly say that they have a daughter/son with 10As... but for me, I am just a loser... A loser who can even stand for her right! -so stupid of me-
But wait! I need straight A1 to get scholarship!
It could be true. Some families are in dire needs to have a scholarship to provide their children a tertiary education. But trust me, JPA is not the only way to have the scholarship. Opportunities are everywhere. If you have the character, the personality, the experience and the courage to try things out and explore the possibilities that you can have beyond JPA and SPM, you will realize that, you can still success without a scholarship. I know friends who can get admitted to top university in US without a JPA scholarship (cause he doesn’t have straight A1 in his SPM).
=>It is true.. I have a lot of frens that studied in Australia eventhough she was not a 10As student.
So now, what should I do?
Nothing is too late. As for me, I realized this very truth when I am exposed to more people around me. I began to pick up interests and nurture them. I became more extrovert and socialize more when I am in college. I am not afraid to try things new, even if it means things that are embarrassing. I read more as compared to my high school time. I am not saying that study is not important; I am just saying that knowing that what you really want in your life and who you are eventually is so much more important than just the numbers of A1 in your certs. (now they are having A+ instead of A1, but it’s still the same principle). Look further, my friends. My result is truly average now, but hey! The points and prides in my resume have tripled.
=>I will not have a chance to be an accountant... but one day, I will definitely say gudbye to engineering...
Written with full of my heart....
If I Can Turn Back the Time...
Obviously, we cannot turn back the time la kan?
But, if we can turn back the time, apa yg kita nk ubah?
I have few things yg I nak ubah :
1) I nak balik ke hari I received PE*R*N*S scholarships' offer... Sy nk koyak surat tu kecik2 n baling ke udara... biar hancur... So that I dont have to study engineering... That was the biggest I ever done, study engineering!
2) Sy nak balik ke zaman sekolah... sy x nk stadi hard... sy jugak x nk buang masa involve dlm any co-cu... sbb akhirnya, sy x dpt pun nk capai cita2 sy nk jadi akauntan! lg baik xyah put lots of effort dr awal kan?
3) Sy xnk kenal dgn dia... i dont wanna hv any relationship dgn dia... so that, i wont be hurt!
Soulmates... A gift from Allah...
Salam readers....
Hmm... lama sgt blog ni xberupdate... empunya blog terlalu bz mengejar duniawi... hmmm... smp lupa yg aku dh lama x memanjakan diri sendiri...
Pg td aku g jmp doc sbb aku demam n sakit kepala... kata doc, aku stress... ye, aku stress keje... tlalu byk masalah smp kdg2 aku rs x mampu! bila down je, aku terus teringat pd someone...someone from my past... hmmm...
quote kat bwh ni aku amik from FB... hmmm teringat pd dia... adekah dia soulmate aku?
Ni aku amik dr blog Dr. Carman Harra psl 10 elements of a Soulmate...
The 10 Elements of a Soulmate:
1. It's something inside. Describing how a soulmate makes you feel is difficult. It's a tenacious, profound and lingering emotion which no words can encompass.
->aku pun x tau nk describe mcm mn... sbb dia lelaki aneh!
2. Flashbacks. If your partner is your soulmate, chances are he or she has been present in your past lives. Soulmates often choose to come back together during the same lifetime and scope each other out in the big world. You might suddenly and briefly experience flashbacks of your soulmate. You might even feel an odd sense of déjà vu, as if the moment in time has already taken place, perhaps a long time ago, perhaps in a different setting.
->hmmm... maybe pnah bumped into him before this because we lived kat tpt yg sma.... mayb x pnah perasan pun sbb dia x ensem! tp takdir temukan kami semula (cewah!)... hahahaha....
3. You just get each other. Ever met two people who finsh each other's sentences? Some people call that spending too much time together, but I call it a soulmate connection. You might experience this with your best friend or your mother, but it is the telltale sign of a soulmate when you experience it with your partner.
->I dont even have to tell him everything... because he will definitely understand what im going to say... he knows me better than my family...
4. You fall in love with his (or her) flaws. No relationship is perfect, and even soulmate relationships will experience ups and downs. Still, that bond will be much harder to break. Soulmates have an easier time of accepting, even learning to love, each other's imperfections. Your relationship is more likely to be a soulmate match if you both love each other exactly as you each are, accepting both the great and awful tendencies we all have.
->dia pendek, xensem, perfectionist, xromantik, x kelakar, x putih melepak... tp sy still sanggup kawan dgn dia!!!! xtau la nape sy ni mcm buta tuli je...
5. It's intense. A soulmate relationship may be more intense than normal relationships, in both good and sometimes bad ways. The most important thing is that, even during negative episodes, you're focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond the bad moment.
->everytime sy ada masalah or sy create masalah... dia akan selesaikan... walaupun dia dh warning sy dr awal, n sy yg degil akan ikut kepala sendiri... tp bila ada masalah... dia akan selesaikan utk sy...
6. You two against the world. Soulmates often see their relationship as "us against the world." They feel so linked together that they're ready and willing to take on any feat of life, so long as they have their soulmate by their side. Soulmate relationships are founded on compromise and unity above all else.
->years back, sy just ada dia utk mengadu... at the time when i have no one in this world, dia sentiasa ada utk sy... dia sanggup korbankan apa sj utk tgk sy senyum...
7. You're mentally inseparable. Soulmates often have a mental connection similar to twins. They might pick up the phone to call each other at the exact same time. Though life may keep you apart at times, your minds will always be in tune if you are soulmates.
->sy mimpi dia eksiden, esoknya, sy dpt call yg dia betul2 eksiden... sy mimpi dia dtg pd sy n dia peluk sy kuat2.. esoknya, dia ckp dia rindu sy sgt2... hmmm... setiap kali my heart berdegup kuat, sy tau dia ada dekat dgn sy... gerak hati sy sentiasa tepat utk bila berkaitan dgn dia... i know that u were there when I was in Seremban... maybe u sembunyi kat mn2 when u see me with my colleague... n mayb u dont wanna make me cry again... i didnt see u, but i know u were there... i terus ajak my colleague kuar dr situ sbb I know u were there...
8. You feel secure and protected. Regardless of the gender of your partner, he or she should always make you feel secure and protected. This means that if you're a man, yes, your woman should make you feel protected, too! Your soulmate will make you feel like you have a guardian angel by your side. A person who plays on your insecurities, whether consciously or subconsciously, is not your soulmate.
-> dia sentiasa buat sy rs selamat... dia sentiasa pastikan sy selamat.. dia slalu selamatkan sy... sy igt mcm mn he saved my life...
9. You can't imagine your life without him (or her). A soulmate is not someone you can walk away from that easily. It is someone you can't imagine being without, a person you believe is worth sticking with and fighting for.
->hmm... dlu sy takut kalau dia xde... n bila dia betul2 xde... sy rs life sy sucks... until today, sy masih x jmp someone yg ble replace dia... after few years dh pun... ms sy kat Shanghai, sy nangis di Huangpu River... Sbb sy igt janji dia nk bw sy pusing Europe!
10. You look each other in the eye. Soulmates have a tendency to look into each other's eyes when speaking more often than ordinary couples. It comes naturally from the deep-seated connection between them. Looking a person in the eye when speaking denotes a high level of comfort and confidence.
-> dia slalu tgk mata sy... sy slalu tgk mata dia... hehehe... dia tau mcm mn nk comfort kan sy... satu2nya manusia yg terlalu paham sy...
he might be my soulmate but he is not my destiny... apa2 pun, sy xpnah lupa doakan dia setiap kali sy selesai bersolat... dia yg terlalu baik... dia yg sentiasa ada bila sy sudah... my problem solver, my strength, my shelter, my friend, my bff...
thanx for everything... u dh tlalu byk mengubah i menjadi insan yg lebey baik... semoga u sentiasa dirahmati Allah... thank you...
A Memorable Trip To Shanghai...
On the 8th April 2013, I went to Shanghai for a business trip... It was a 9 days trip... Training and supplier visits... Oh, sy x nk lagi g trip yg selama itu... i missed malaysia a lot!
That was not my 1st time in Shanghai, I have been there last December...
But this time, I had a great trip as I can spend my weekend there... So, we can go for jalan2 also...
This time, I stayed in Courtyard Marriot Pudong.. Even bangunannya adelah bangunan lama (according to the front desk officer, bangunan ni berusia 40thn!), tp pada sy still okey... xla terlalu mewah mcm Courtyard Marriot Jiading, tp sy lg suka cni sbb sng nk cr mkn... To all muslims, sy suggest korg tgl kat cni sbb ada 2 muslim restaurants within walking distance only... So, sngla nk cr mkn kan?
You may check out for this restaurant... i wrote some review of this restaurant dah!!! yeli xiali, dongfang road, pudong....
You may check out for this restaurant... i wrote some review of this restaurant dah!!! yeli xiali, dongfang road, pudong....
in front of the hotel.... |
toilet n bathroom yg sgt seksi... siyesly, transparent!!! auwww!!! |
the room... smaller if compared to Courtyard Marriot Jiading... |
view from my room... |
another view from my room... |
Me and my colleague spent our weekend in Shanghai... We are so lucky to have this opportunity... Aduh, gembira sungguh dpt g jln2... hahaha...
Our hotel is located near to Central Avenue subway station (lebey krg 15min jalan kaki), we decided to take the subway only... Subway kat cni sgt murah... utk 1 trip just RMB3 (lebey krg RM1.50)... selagi korg x tukar train, selagi tula harga train tu RMB3... xkisah brp station yg korg berenti... Tp once dah naik train lain, korg kna la byr lagi RMB3... Me and Suffian decided utk amik one day pass yg membolehkan kitorg naik train utk semua Metro Line unlimited for 24 hrs... Just RMB18 (lebey krg RM9.00) per person...
Subway kat sini sgt efficient, 3 minit one train... so, korg xyah la tgu lama2 kan? Kat sini ada lebey kurang 15 Metro Line... so pastikan korg amik line yg betul n korg tau kat mn nk tukar train... Kalau takut sesat, bawa peta sekali... Kat Shanghai ni, susah nk cr org yg boleh speak English tau! Kalau korg pandai cakap Mandarin, xpela...
Let c the places that we have been within that 2 days...
Shanghai Science And Technology Park
Jujurnya, kitorg x masuk kat dalam pun... hahaha... mahal sgt la tiket nk masuk... so, kitorg just amik gambar je... Actually, di sini ada mcm2 exhibition tentang perkembangan science dr zaman dulu smpla future science. hmmmm... menarik kan?
Century Park
Dengan bayaran RMB10 (RM5), kita boleh melawat seluruh Century Park yg cantek nih...
Tempat ni mcm taman bunga... sesuai utk bw family berkelah di hujung minggu... ada jugak theme park walaupun agak simple... tp that one, kna byr la... aku x berminat pun nk g theme park tu sbb biasa je... dh tua2 ni, lg berminat utk jalan2 menikmati keindahan alam... Utk dating pun, tpt ni sgt sesuai sbb tpt ni cantik... penuh dgn bunga2 yg santek!!! bg sesapa yg sukakan fotografi, Century Park adalah tempat yg wajib dilawati! n recommended jugak utk sape2 yg pergi honeymoon... hahahaha... mayb x seromantik HuangPu River, tp still memorable la... :-)
Tgkla jam bunga nih... sgt menarik kan? bila nampak je Jam Bunga nih, aku berlari mcm budak kecik... sibuk nk amik gbr smp member aku geleng kepala... terpaksa melayan! hahahaha...
aku teringin giler nk naik jambatan kt blkg tu, tp x kesampaian sbb dh x mampu nk berjalan... huhuhuhu... |
HuangPu River Cruise
Hmmm... Sejak kecik, aku mmg suka mende2 yg colourful... sbb tu kalau tgk nota aku ms sekolah, mmg colourful abis... hmm.. so, bila smp je kat Huang Pu river ni, mmg aku terpaku terus... Ya Allah, cantiknya!!! lampu2 LED yg dipasang pada bangunan, mmg cantik sgt!!!
tp perjalanan nk ke Huangpu River ni agak memenatkan... sakit jugak kaki ni nk berjalan... jauh jugak dr Metro Station...
kat sini ada perkhidmatan cruise dan ferry... cruise agak mahal (around RM70 camtu) tp ferry sgt murah (RMB2 je)... so, kitorg naik ferry je... ferry just go along Huang Pu river selama 15 minit camtu, memberi peluang utk kita tgk pemandangan bangunan yg dipenuhi kerlipan lampu LED yg sgt cantek!!!
utk sesapa yg bercadang nk honeymoon di Shanghai, Huang Pu River adalah tempat yg wajib anda kunjungi!!! sbb suasana kat sini sgtlah romantik!!! x heranlah kalau byk couple2 yg berdating kat sini... hmmm... suasana malam yg diterangi lampu2 LED, alahai... romantik sgt!!! sbb romantik sgtlah, ada air mata yg menitis di atas ferry sbb rindu kat org di Malaysia... hmmm... teringat janji org tu nk pusing2 Europe together... hmmm... janji tinggal janji!!!
kat sini ada perkhidmatan cruise dan ferry... cruise agak mahal (around RM70 camtu) tp ferry sgt murah (RMB2 je)... so, kitorg naik ferry je... ferry just go along Huang Pu river selama 15 minit camtu, memberi peluang utk kita tgk pemandangan bangunan yg dipenuhi kerlipan lampu LED yg sgt cantek!!!
utk sesapa yg bercadang nk honeymoon di Shanghai, Huang Pu River adalah tempat yg wajib anda kunjungi!!! sbb suasana kat sini sgtlah romantik!!! x heranlah kalau byk couple2 yg berdating kat sini... hmmm... suasana malam yg diterangi lampu2 LED, alahai... romantik sgt!!! sbb romantik sgtlah, ada air mata yg menitis di atas ferry sbb rindu kat org di Malaysia... hmmm... teringat janji org tu nk pusing2 Europe together... hmmm... janji tinggal janji!!!
mula2, igt dh sesat sbb x jmp pun HuangPu river... upa2nya, blkg garden ni je... hmmm... |
lampu2 LED yg sgt menarik.. |
cruise yg sgt cantek!!! |
riding the ferry... |
Kalau Malaysia terkenal dgn PETRONAS Twin Tower, Shanghai ade Oriental Pearl Tower... |
The Bund.. Can u c the Oriental Pearl Tower??? |
Fake Market
Ni adalah tempat yang kami lawat berkali2!!! If Im not mistaken, 3 kali kot... Barang2 kat sini, mmg murah2 kalau kita pandai bargain! okla jugak! tp quality mmg hmm... paham2 jelah... brg fake kan?
dlm ni ada beratus kedai... smp lenguh la kaki berjalan... mcm2 brg yg kita boleh dapat... dr baju, jeans, kain pasang, selendang, belt, purse, wallet n mcm2 lagik... huh, mmg penat berjalan la... harga kat sini mostly lebey kurang je... tp better survey dlu b4 beli sbb kdg2 ada kedai yg lbey murah... hmmm...
most peniaga kat cni, can speak broken English.. jgn x tau, ade jugak yg faham bahasa melayu! so, jgn la korg igt dorg ni xpaham bahasa melayu! me n my colleague almost kantoi! tp nasib baik x sempat nk ckp, mamat peniaga tu dh ckp melayu... so, kitorg terus x jd ckp melayu sesama sendiri... hahahaha...
Antara tips yg berguna ketika bargain kat sini :
1) kt sini boleh bargain smp 1/6 dr harga asal... hmmm... agak betul... coz I bought the 'talking tom' dgn RMB40 while actually harga asal adalah RMB240! huh, mmg kejam peniaga2 kat sni!!!! Tips ni dr Tina, one of my supplier rep kat Shanghai...
2) Kalau peniaga tu xnk turunkan harga mcm yg korg nk, korg pura2 blah! konfem dorg akan menjerit2 panggil korang masuk balik! hahaha.... klu dia buat bodoh tu, maksudnya mmg harga yg korg nk tu mmg not reasonable... xpe, korang g je kedai lain... n bargain lagi skali!! hahaha...
3) If korg g in group, better beli dr kedai yg sma (if korg nk beli brg yg sma la)... sbb harga akan diturunkan mengikut kuantiti yg korg beli!!
Nanjing Road
Hahaha... Actually, aku nk g South Bound Fabric Market... konon nk beli kain buat baju raya... tp smp ke sudah, kitorg x jmp mall tu... last2 sesat g nanjing road...
bunga yg sgt cantek... kagum! |
ade art exhibition kat cni... |
bunga kat blkg tu sgt cantek!!! |
kami saja yg tau kenapa kami amik gbr kat sni... hahahaha... |
menara jam Shanghai yg femes.... |
muzium Shanghai... |
Yuyuan Garden...
Ni 1 lg syurga utk perempuan bershopping!!! aduh... mmg rambang mata...
Mulanya aku just nk tgk bangunan yg melambangkan tradition org China... tp end up with memborong mcm2 mende terutamnya shawls.. shawls kat cni murah2... 1/4 price from Malaysia ok??? so, dh kompem2 la aku borong sakan!!!
Mcm2 yg kita boleh dpt kat sini terutamanya pakaian!!! my colleague asked me utk pilih barang2 for his family... hahaha... aku pun sibuk la try shawl yg cantek2 tu... last2, dia x beli pun... aku yg beli sbb semuanya cantek2!!! hahahaha...
kat cni, aku terjumpa dengan org dr Kedutaan Malaysia... time tu aku tgh belek2 keychain chumil2 yg dijual kat tepi jalan tu while my colleague g toilet... Aku terdengar dorg bercakap dalam B.Malaysia, so aku pun senyum jelah...
Abang Kedutaan : awak orang Malaysia ke?
Aku : Dalam hati, "aku ni nampak mcm muka Indon ke?" tp sbg rakyat Malaysia yang kaya dengan budi bahasa, aku senyum mengangguk jelah... lgpun, rindu dgn orang Malaysia kan?
Abg Kedutaan : sorang je ke? buat ape kat sni?
Aku : eh, tak! dengan kawan. *kebetulan time tu my colleague dh datang semula* ni ofismate saya... kitorg dr Penang...
Abg Kedutaan : ok, jg diri baik2 tau...
Aku : *senyum tak perlu kata apa2*
hasil tangkapan di hari kedua!!!gilos!!!! |
hmmm... Kenangan yg menarik bila me n my colleague berjumpa dgn Chinese Malaysia kat subway station.. Mulanya, aku igt dia adalah kawan lama kpd my colleague... Upa2nya, dia pun xkenal... lelaki tu tegur dia sbb terdengar kitorg bertekak dlm bahasa Malaysia n mungkin juga sbb tudung yg aku pakai yg kompem2 melambangkan aku gadis malaysia!
Seronok dia dapat berborak dengan kitorg walaupun sekejap... bercerita yg dia sudah 5 thn menetap di Shanghai malah sudah pun berkahwin dengan wanita Shanghai sekaligus membina keluarganya di sini... sempat dia bercerita tentang politik sbb time tu tgh demam PRU13 kat Malaysia... Dr cara dia berbual dengan kami, aku dpt rs yg dia sebenarnya rindukan Malaysia... rindu nk bertutur dalam bahasa melayu... nampak wajahnya gembira sgt bertemu dengan orang Malaysia di tengah2 bandar Shanghai!
ya, aku faham perasaan tu... br 9 hari kat Shanghai, aku dh rindu sambal belacan... ari2 pun bisng nk makan sambal belacan... smp colleague aku ckp, "sy ada bw cili padi kalau awak nk!" sbb dh x thn aku asik ngomel nk mkn sambal belacan! hahaha... sushi, sashimi, kambing panggang, sliced salmon semua pun aku dh xpandang!! aku mahu sambal belacan, laksam, sambal tumis, roti canai, nasi lemak!!! smpkan turun ja dr flight, aku terus singgah makan nasi dgn sambal belacan dgn ikan bawal goreng!
kata orang, hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri... tapi lebih baik negeri sendiri...
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